★New York Rebel★

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"Emerald Greene" you made bail, the officer yelled as he open the gate. Ugh, my dad is going to be hella pissed. This was my fifth time in a holding cell in the past 6 months and lord knows Judge Helen has got tired of seeing my face. Hell, I was tired of seeing her face too, but I always ended up doing something they call "reckless" and will I end up here.

Now I wasn't a troubled child. I actually was a straight A student, I just had what I called an adventurous side, but my therapist said I was having a hard time coping with the fact that my mom was practically a vegetable and the cancer was killing her faster than the doctors predicted. But what the hell did he know, he was only a world renowned psychologist and a pain in my derrière.

I did my typical routine. I walked to the counter and retrieved my belongings. "One wallet, one I hate Cancer pin, one black card, one gold chain, two gold rings, one cell phone. A pair of headphones and a pair of diamond studs" I grabbed my belongings and headed towards my furious looking dad.

"Emerald Faith Greene, do you have a death wish or something, are you crazy, this behavior is not acceptable, and blah blah blah..." My dad continued his usual speech as we walked to the car. While his back was turned I slipped on my headphones and turned my music up as loud as possible.

From what I could see my dad was still going on his rant oblivious to the fact that I had tuned him out a long time ago. Drake Now & Forever blasted in my ears. SMACK, I felt a hand on the back of my head. "Are you fucking kidding me??" Wow, he is seriously pissed, my dad like never ever swears at me, nor does he hit me and I have been in way worst situations than this.

"Look Emerald, I'm sorry I never meant to lose my temper. It's just a lot going on right now and to have to keep bailing you out of jail for things you can avoid, he lets out a breath of air, it's just added on stress that's really not needed... I love you Emerald and your mom doesn't have much time left and all she wants is for you to be okay. She feels like this attitude of yours is all her fault. She keeps saying if I wasn't sick, maybe my angel wouldn't be this rebellious. So promise me you won't do anything stupid again. Please, for your mother sake"

Ugh, I hated when he used my mom sickness as a guilt trip. But he was right my mom was getting worse the docs believe she has less than a month left so I guess I can at least attempt to be good. I looked at my dad who looked so worn out. He had bags under his eyes, stress wrinkles growing and he had put on quite some weight over the past 5 months.

"Sure, dad, I promise I will be on my best behavior, I was just having fun. I never expected that they would call the cops on us. It was just some simple graffiti, a little drinking, and a couple joints mixed with loud music. I'm a teen and I'm entitled to have fun right??." Lucky for me I was just caught tagging a wall. He smiled a first genuine smile I've seen on him in a long time and sighed in relief.

We sat in silence as all I was thinking was hopefully Judge Helen wouldn't send me to juvie. All that kept playing in my head was Judge Helen voice from my last court appearance saying, "Next time Miss Emerald you will do some time in Juvenile Detention and a pretty face like yours, will gain you a lot of new friends!"


Now that you've met both main characters. What's your thoughts. Will Emerald really straighten up? What will Judge Helen do? Only time will tell!

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