★Some serious Bullshit★

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★Emerald POV★

The door swung open and I was greeted by a middle age lady. "You must be here to see Dr. Wright... He told me he was expecting you... Right this way sweetie," she said as she beckons me into the house. I smiled at the lady and followed her into what I am assuming is Doc's office. "Make yourself at home, Dr. Wright will be with you shortly. Would you like a glass of punch, milk, tea we have almost everything-Dr. Wright's daughter is kinda picky, but she's a sweetheart at heart." I chuckled at the bubbly lady. She reminded me of my mom when she use to attempt to entertain my friends. "Water will be fine Miss...?" I paused because I didn't catch her name. "Oh, just call me, Barbara or Barb and I will be right back with your drink."

She left the room which gave me plenty of time to admire the office. It wasn't much. There were boxes everywhere and frames of various degrees and awards hung around the wall. There was a picture of a much younger Doc standing next to a beautiful lady. I smiled at the picture you could tell they were deeply in love. Next to that picture was the same lady in a hospital gown holding a tiny little replica of her.

I knew doc had a daughter, but I had never heard him talk about her, nor have I seen any pictures of her other than the one sitting in front of me. I wonder why he doesn't talk about her. I finally sat in the leather chair and relaxed all while thinking of the horrible day I had.

★Ivy POV★

"Barbz I'm home," I yelled as I dropped my book bag by the stairs. I found barbz in the kitchen cooking. "Oh my gosh, it smells like heaven in here...what are you making?" I asked as I hopped on the counter. She glared at me, "Ivy Janelle Wright what have I told you about sitting on the countertop...down now," she said. I quickly obliged.

"I'm making all your favorite yellow rice with homemade gravy, baked chicken, broccoli with cheese and for dessert red velvet cake with vanilla ice cream." I smiled because everything she mentioned was not only my favorite but my dads as well. Not to mention there was a car that I didn't recognize parked in the driveway. I knew my dad was here, but I was going to let him surprise me.

"Oh crap, I forgot to give that sweet girl, her glass of water. Ivy can you take this to the back office?" Barbz asked as she handed me a glass filled with ice water and went back to cooking. I hopped out the chair and practically ran down the hall. I couldn't wait to see my dad. As I neared the door I could her talking.

I quickly entered the room and my mouth literally hit the floor. "What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled as I stared at Emerald laying on a couch in front of my dad's desk. I'm assuming my dad thought I was talking to him as he replied "Language young lady, I told you I had a surprise for you which we will discuss later and this here is my patient Emerald Greene. I've been working with her for over a year now when she lived in New York. She's a lovely young lady." I rolled my eyes at my dad as I watch Emerald fidget in her seat. I immediately thought what the hell was her problem. When I first met her, she was so confident and outspoken now she's like a timid mouse. I smiled because I had broken her already, I swear she made this too easy.

I pretended to not know her and went to shake her hand. "Emerald it is so nice to meet you," I said as she shook my hand. I smirked at her and was about to leave the office when my dad spoke again, "Honey since Emerald's new here I suggested that you give her a tour and help her get caught up at school. I knew you wouldn't mind, plus with the first day she had, I want to march up to your school and have that awful girl expelled for such horrendous behavior." I was literally scared all I've ever wanted to do was impress my dad and if Emerald was to tell him it was me who did that and I quote "horrendous thing" he would never look at me the same.

It was now Emerald who was smirking and it was as if she could read me like a book. The tables had turned and I knew this was the start of a horrible forced relationship. She smiled at me and said, "if I would have known Ivy, was your daughter I would have agreed sooner. We met earlier today on the quad, isn't that right Ivy?"

It was I who was fidgeting now, "uh, um yeah yeah, I remember nice seeing you again?" I said hoping she got the hint to shut up.

She looked at me and I swear I could see the wheels turning in her head ad she said, "Oh, and Ivy if you don't mind, I'm not on good terms with Amy, would you mind if I car pooled with you? Your dad thought it was a great idea," She gave me that smirk, I so wanted to slap her face as she grabbed the cup of water out my hand.

I sighed heavily as I weighed my options: one I could tell my dad that I am secretly the schools biggest bitch and a bully and have him hate me for like ever or two I could play along with Emerald game and hope to god she takes it easy on me. Of course I picked door number two. Little history- my dad hates bullies all through school he was bullied and suffered some serious psychological issues from it. That's why he worked so hard to give me all the finer things in life so I would never be bullied like him. I finally replied, "sure" and we exchanged numbers. I left the room and sat in the living room waiting to give Emerald a piece of my mind because this is some serious bullshit!

About twenty minutes later Emerald and my dad walked out of the office all buddy like. I watched as she politely declined the invitation to stay for dinner and left the house. I quickly followed behind her. She was getting in the car when I shouted, "Wait can we talk?"

So what do you guys think special dedication to Jamie21 for knowing it was Ivy's house! I love when you guys comment and vote hope you guys are enjoying the story would love to hear your thoughts

❤ Layla Brown

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