★It's Okay Not to be Okay★

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★Emerald POV★

I opened the seal and recognizes the handwriting instantly. I began to read:

Dear Ladybug,

First, let me start out by saying I LOVE YOU baby girl. I know this is hard on you bet I promise it will get better. Mama is in a better place sweetie. I'm in a place where I'm free of that disease, but although I'm free I'm still hurting. I'm hurting because I couldn't be there for you. I couldn't be there to see you graduate from high school, college, your first heartbreak, your last heartbreak, to see you get married, have a family of your own and so much more. I couldn't help you cope but I'm with you baby. I'm always going to be in your heart, and a part of you.

You have your own personal angel now and I promise to never let you go again. Now Ladybug, I know what papa was going through even though he thought he was hiding it. He needs to get better. Like you, he is also having a hard time accepting the fact that I am gone. He didn't know how to let me go, so he turned to the bottle and his addiction wasn't healthy.

I wiped tears from face as I reminisced about the times I would walk in the house and find my father drunk and passed out on the living room, kitchen and occasionally the bathroom floor. I continued to read.

He needs help and he needs to get better, but know he loves you dearly. But baby, I know you and you have to promise me you will be on your best behavior while you're with Amelia. Promise me you will go back to that sweet, humble, caring girl you once were. Please, my ladybug stop rebelling, stop searching for trouble. You're a very intelligent girl and you can do anything and everything you put your mind to. So please, I need you to give Arizona a real try. Amelia and I have talked about this for a while and she is placing you in the best school where you can truly make something of yourself. Now I talked with your therapist and lucky for us he is moving out to Arizona too. He says he wants to be closer to his family. After all, life is too short, I laughed when he said that. But seriously, sweetie, I want you to go and continue your appointments.

Also, baby girl enclosed in this envelope is my engagement/ wedding ring. I never took it off until now. I had it sent to the jeweler and engraved, "Forever Your Angel ❤"because no matter how hard things get or when your down I will always be there watching over you. Also, enclosed is my favorite necklace. When you were younger it was your favorite item. When I first held you, you wrapped your little fist around it and it has been your sanctuary every since. Now baby if I could I would write forever but I can't so lastly baby girl. Remember what you taught me, It's Okay Not to be Okay.

By now I was completely crying my eyes out. The tears that I didn't shed the day she left this earth. The tears that failed to come on the day of the funeral. The tears that I hid the day I kissed my father goodbye for however long. The tears that remand tucked away when I hugged my best friend Ruby and we shared a bitter and everlasting moment before departing New York for what could be a very long time, where now free falling. They were constant and hard to suppress. She was right! Even before she left, she knew me so well. She knew exactly what I was going to do before I even knew.

Like today, yes I was mad at Amy for degrading herself like that, but Ivy was always the target, she just didn't know that. It was quite easy to find the Queen bee of the school and when she opened the door with that smug look of hers. I thought, "Yep, that's her!" I just didn't expect her to be that much of a bitch. But the plan was simple cause I huge scene with the Queen of the school. Make her think she is proving a point; when in all actuality she is doing exactly what I want. Honestly, I could have cared less what happened to that girl even though no one deserves to be treated like that. But once the ball was rolling I would cause a big enough problem at Madison Prep that Aunt Amelia would have no choice but to send me packing back to New York. But after reading this simple two page letter I had to give Arizona a real try. I had to blend in a forget about my crazy plan. After deciding what to do, I slipped on my headphones and had my first good night sleep in a long time.


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