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Emerald's POV

It had been a good two weeks and Ivy and I had been getting along really well. She had toned down alot on the kissing but their were still the occassional hand holding and hugging; which I didn't mind at all. We had turned in our project and if I'm being honest I think we both did extremely well. Over the previous two weeks I had found out alot about Ivy and we have become really good friends.

I found myself spending most of my time at her house. I was at her house so much that I was starting to look forward to my therapy sessions because that meant I got to see Ivy, outside of school. Trust me when I say, Ivy has been a completely different person now at Madison's Prep eventhough she has not let her wall's down completely at school she has changed and I couldn't complain much because I got the luxury to see the real Ivy all the time.

Now here I was laying on Ivy's bed listening to music and scrolling through my twitter feed. Ivy and Blake where busy dancing around listening to Ariana's Be Alright. "Come dance with us," Blake says as she continues to jump around. I quickly shook my head and I continue to scroll through my phone. "Pretty please, with sugar on top," she says as she pouts. I quickly shake my head and watch her whisper something into Ivy's ear. I arch my eyebrow and stare at the two best friends who are obviously planning something horrible.

"Your sure you don't want to dance with us," Blake's says with a smirk plastered across her face. "Nope I'm perfectly fine laying here and besides I can't even call what you two are doing dancing," I say as I glance at her. "Your eyes seems to disagree with that statement, since you've been staring at Ivy for the past twenty minutes" Blake instantly replies. I can feel my face heat up as Ivy shouts "Hey, this is between you two, leave me out of it," she says as she sends me a wink.

I locked my phone and groan, "Ugh, I'm not dancing and there's nothing you can do to make me," I said as I playfully rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Oh really, is that a challenge" Ivy asked as she smirked and walked towards me. "Ivy chill, that was directed towards Blake not you," I say as she jumps on top of me. She straddles my waist as she begins to tickle me. "Vy, stttoopppp, stttoopppp," I manged to get out as I grabbed her hands and flipped us over. I smirked down at her as I was now straddling her. "Em, I diiidnt mean too," she studdered out as I shook my head and replied, "tough shit."

I was about to attack when I felt a pillow hit me in the back of the head. I turned around and saw Blake holding a pillow with a playful smirk plastered on her face. "Really, Blake this was between her and me," I said as she shrugged her shoulders and mocked me "Tough shit, you mess with her you mess with me, besides I do not want to see ya'll awkward forplay," Blake said as I realized I was still straddling Ivy.

I rolled off of Ivy as we began to talk about this weekends events. "So how many more offers have you received Em," Blake asked as she turned down the music and plopped on the bed next to me. "Um, there was the girl in my English class, the boy from the basketball team, who couldn't seem to understand what the word lesbian meant, oh and the twins from the volleyball team, an oddly enough the lunch lady," I cringed at the thought of that awkward conversation, "but none from the one person I actually want to go with," I replied as I glanced at Ivy.

Ivy's POV

I listened as Emerald recalled all the thristy ass girls and annoying guys who asked her to the homecoming dance. I swear she was getting like three offers a day and my jealousy was threw the roof and it was taking every ounce of me to contol my temper because i was about three seconds out making it a rule that no one and I mean nobody one was allowed to even look at Emerald, let alone ask her to homecoming.

I sat there pretending to be on my phone as she spoke, "but none from the one person I actually want to go with," I felt her eyes on me but I refused to acknowledge her. I heard her sigh as her and Blake continued their conversation. Now, I wanted with every fiber in my body to ask her to be my date. We had been getting along great over the past two weeks and it has been extremely hard for my to restrain myself from attacking her with my lips. But I was still afraid, I was afraid of losing my popularity, afraid of losing the reputation I worked so hard to build and most importantly I was afraid of what people would think of me Ivy Wright dating a girl. Now Madison Prep wasn't closed minded at all when it came to same-sex relationships but I just didn't want to chance it. So I'm going to keep these feelings to myself.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice both Emerald and Blake were talking to me. "Huh, uh, what did you guys say," I asked as I faced them. They both chuckled before Emerald spoke, "we were saying since neither Blake and I want to go with any of the people that asked us, we should all go as a group." I smiled because I knew this was Blake's way of getting me and Emerald to go 'together' without actually going 'together'. I sent Blake a grateful smile as she nodded her head and mouthed 'your welcome' before I finally replied, "that would be amazing"

Amy, Blake, Emerald, Mercedes, Amy's date Troy and I were all sitting on the bleachers as the fourth quarter was drawing to an end. We were playing Gonzaga High School and we were up by 7 as the 5:00 minute warning rang. Gonzaga had the ball on their forty and honestly I could careless. I was so busy watching an over zealous Emerald and Troy as they became enthralled with what was going on on the feild. "Are you sitting me, that was clearly a flag are you blind," Emerald jumped up and yelled as the crowd all began to boo the ref.

Apparently something along the lines of a face mask being pulled and blah blah blah. I chuckled at her reaction and grabbed her hand. "Babe, calm down it's just a game," I watched as she visibly relaxed and sat back down and I snuggled into her as she placed an arm around my shoulder. It was unusally chilly today and I shivered a little as Emerald faced me. "Are you cold," Emerald asked as I nodded my head. She pulled of her jacket and placed it around me. I smiled at her gesture as her lavender scent engulfed me.

Somewhere between me starring at Emerald I didn't notice the game had ended and we had won by 14. "So are we hitting up the tailgate first than meeting back up after we get dressed, or do ya'll wanna pregame on our own," I asked as they all thought. "Let's get dressed and pregame at Blake's house before we head back here," Mercedes suggested as we all headed towards the parking lot.

"So, I'll see you in few," I asked as I handed Emerald her jacket. She smiled before placing a chaste kiss on my cheek and nodding her head yes and she hopped in the car with Amy and Mercedes, who was most likely getting dressed at their house. I watched as the car pulled off, with the biggest smile ever on my face. "Let's go lover girl," Blake yelled as she honked her car horn at me.

**********two hours later***********

Emerald's POV

"Let's go Emerald, the girls are waiting for us," Amy yelled as I finished apply my lipstick. I smiled at my reflection and slide on my heels, grabbed my phone and handbag before heading downstairs to be greeted by Mercedes, Amy, and Troy. "Zamn, gurl you looking hella fine," Mercedes said as I flipped my curled hair over my shoulder. "Thanks, Cedes and you don't look to bad yourself, Blake gonna have a heard time keeping her hands to herself," I whispered in her ear as she blushed. "That's the plan," she said as we headed towards the limo Ivy rented for this event.

We stood in front of Blake's door waiting for her to open the door. "Uh, hey guys," Blake said as she opened the door for us. I was about to head towards the kitchen before Blake gave me a sympathetic look and whispered, "let her explain before you freak out!" I had no idea what the hell she was talking about and when I walked into the kitchen, I finally understood why she was called Poison Ivy!


Hey guys I promise you guys won't have to wait long to find out what is about to happen. Hahahahaha I love you guys for voting and commenting on my story. I appreciate the love and I hope you enjoyed this short filler chapter. Love ya and I promise the next chapter shit gets real.

Layla 😘😚

The Taming of the B.I.T.C.H (Lesbian Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat