⭐️This could be the end⭐️

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3 months later
Ivy's POV

3 months later

You Know that famous saying, that says, 'if you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours. If it doesn't it never was.' Well that pretty much sums up my life right now. This year was suppose to be my year to shine. I had worked my ass off for a seat at the table. And my hard work had actually paid off. Not only was I sitting at the table, I had attained the head seat at said table. My word was law. This was once my sole purpose in life to be the HBIC and rule Emerson High (don't kill me guys its been a looooonnnnggg time, I'm pretty sure i've mentioned the schools name but I honestly remember if it was Emerson 🤷🏽‍♀️😂).

But could I throw this all away. Was I willing to give all that up for a girl. Emerald Greene. My feisty, takes no shit, calls it as I see it, New York rebel. Lord, did she breeze into my life a literally turned it inside out and flipped it upside down. I thought I knew how my sophomore year would play out, but man was I completely wrong. Could I see myself in a different light? Could I pass on my torch when I still had two more years left? Was I truly ready and capable of giving up everything I once held so close to me?

Honestly, At that particular moment, I truly thought I was!

It's been nearly three months since that day and I've completely isolated myself from everyone. I just couldn't bring myself to stomach what transpired that eventful day. So I distanced myself for everyone.

Yes, everyone included Blake. Even though Blake and I are the only ones who knows the truth about what happened that dreadful day. Deep down, I still believe it was my fault and I honestly don't think I will ever stop. If you haven't guessed by now, Emerald and I or over, OFFICIALLY. Hell I don't blame her for cutting me off completely because what happened that day was cruel. What they did was hurtful, vindictive, mean, humiliating and just plain cruel. It was exactly something the Elite 8 would plan, hell it was something I would have planned. And that was the problem. What happened that day was something straight out of the Ivy Wright HBIC playbook. It was a perfect, well thought out plan. It's s message was clear and concise and intended to destroy it's target, by inflicting the most psychological pain ever. And that is exactly what it did. I remember the expression on her face the moment she realized what happened. Its the same expression that hunts my dreams at night.

But, honestly that's a story for another time. I was supposed to be enjoying myself, spending my last few days here with my family. This was supposed to be a joyous moment, celebrating my achievements. Yet, I was mopping around with not an inch of inspiration within me.

'Ivy sweetie are you all packed,' my dad asked as he stuck his head into my room. 'Yeah dad, I'm so ready for a change of scenery,' I said as I hopped off my bed and looked around my room scanning for anything of importance I might be leaving behind. There was nothing. I sighed and grabbed my carry on bag and headed out my room. 'I gonna miss you dad,' I said as we walked towards the door. As I was about to open the door, he reached out and pulled me into a hug. We stood hugging for what felt like forever but was most likely only a minute or two. He pulled back and teared up, he sighed and I knew he was fighting with his self . I chuckled, 'Just say it Dad, I'm a big girl. I can take it,' I said as I stared at him.

'Ivy sweetie, I know these past 3 months finishing this year of school has been hard. Ive literally watch you lose yourself. This person isn't the Ivy Wright, I raised nor watched grow into a amazing young woman. Your lost and thats ok. But, I just need you to promise me one thing,' he said as we stood in the foyer. I looked up at him waiting for him to continue. 'Promise me you will put this past school year behind you. Promise me you will focus on yourself and expand your experiences. Promise me you will use your time over there wisely. Go out and study, learn, have life changing adventures and fall in love. And I don't mean romantic love. I mean fall in love with yourself again. I need you to spend time gaining a deep appreciation of your own self worth and capabilities.Yes, Ivy you've made some huge mistakes but life is all about learning from all experiences both good and bad. Be gentle with yourself, we've all done wrong but you can't continue to wallow in self-pity. You fell down but now its time to pick yourself up and learn how to avoid that mistake next time. I need you to embrace not only the things that make you strong but embrace your weaknesses too. Because once you learn how to love your flaws, no one can ever make you feel like your not enough. I need you to promise you'll become comfortable with doing things on your own. Learn that at the end of the day Your always gonna be in your corner, no matter what. Promise me that at the end of the summer you'll at least given your all to keep this promise.'

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