★To Much Too Handle★

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★Emerald POV★

It's been a whole month since I last visited a holding cell and a lot has happened. First, my mom had been a strong warrior, but soon the cancer took a toll. It was a Sunday morning and for some reason I woke up with a strange urge to visit my mom. I arrived at the hospital and headed to her room.

I hated hospitals and I rarely went inside one. My mom has been here for nearly six months and I have only visited a total of six times. Now I know you must think I'm a bitch for that, but I honestly loved my mother with my whole being. She was and is my everything and I hated seeing her like that. Her once strong and radiant features were not present. And her voice, that voice that was a blessing from God was extant. Her eyes, the ones that would look deep into your soul and push all your secrets and demons away, were now dull. Lastly, my favorite feature her smile. A smile that would light up the room. That would make you melt was hardly ever seen.

I just hated it. I was selfish. I mean I only wanted to remember her as the happy and gorgeous lady who gave birth to me. Not to mention, me being in and out of jail had cost me to feel guilty. I mean here I was fully healthy and instead of being by my mom's side, I was being rebellious and angry at the world.

I had walked into her room and she was awake. She was laying there holding a small jewelry box. "Hi mom" I said. Her eyes light up when she saw me. I placed a kiss on her cheek. "Hey baby girl, I had a feeling you would visit today," she said in a small whisper.

We talked for a while about how my behavior was unacceptable, about how she was going home soon, about how she just needed to see me before she finished, about how I was to be good and about how she didn't want to go but she was hurting and it was time.

I cried as I cuddled her in my arms. She was hurting and I knew it, but I didn't want her to go. She couldn't go. She had to be here for me. Yes, call me selfish, call me a bitch, but I needed my mom and I was not ready to let her go. She had to fight harder and soon the pain would go away. But she didn't, she couldn't. She handed me the box and pointed to a letter on the table near the window. "Read it when your ready baby and remember I will always be here for you and looking after you. I love you, always have and I always will," she placed a kiss on my head and that was the end.

A week had passed and we had had the funeral. My mom's sister and my favorite cousin had arrived as well as my grandparents. As far as family went, we were small. My dad was an only child and my mom only had one sister. Both my parents, parents were present. My mom was really loved. Almost all her best friends were there as well as her coworkers and my five best friends.

My dad was going through a minor breakdown. He was drinking a lot more and we hardly talked since she passed. But I had hoped it would get better.

Now if losing my mom wasn't bad enough. This month consisted of me coming face to face with no other than judge Helen. I stood in the courtroom dressed in all black. I hadn't said anything. Normally I was more vocal and sarcastic, but I just wasn't in the mood. Judge Helen looked at me with pity and sorrow and I hated it. She was seeing me as the girl who just lost her mother and for that she let me off the case.

I was sentenced to some community service crap and she dismissed us but not be for giving me a warning to stay out of trouble or head to juvie. For some odd reason my dad wasn't in the court today. I walked outside and dialed his number. "You've reached the voicemail box of Ezra Greene, I am unable" I hung up. Since dad wasn't here to pick me up, I hopped in a taxi and headed home.

During the taxi ride I decided to text my best friends. "Hey y'all I'm free.. hit me up if y'all tryna hit Versatile tonight." I sent the message and locked my phone. Now Versatile, was this cool, new, hip teen club downtown and judging on the month I had, I could use some fun.

The taxi came to a stop. I paid the man and headed to the house. I noticed my dad's car in the driveway, which was strange since he wasn't answering the phone. I unlocked the door and headed in.

"What the hell," was my first thought as a saw my suitcases and belongings all placed in front of the door. "Dad, where are you?" I called out as I headed towards the living room. My dad was sitting on the couch talking to my Aunt Amelia. They stopped talking as soon as I entered the room.

Neither spoke, and I could feel my anger boiling over. "Why is my stuff packed and what is she doing here?" I semi-yelled.

"Emerald, honey take a seat I have you tell you something."

"No, I rather stand" was my response as I motioned for him to continue.

"I can't tell.."he stuttered.

"Ugh!! Just spit it out already."

Unable to continue my aunt Amelia began to talk. "Look, sweetie, your dad is going on a trip to better himself. He has something and he needs to cope with before he can fully raise you he has to get help. So for now you will be staying with me in Arizona."

To say I was furious was an understatement. I was beyond angry I loved New York and what about my school, my friends. No, I wasn't going. I refused to go to the middle of fucking nowhere.

Ahhh its time for our girls to finally met! will it be a nice meeting or will world war 3 start??? Keep reading to find out.

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