★The snap that started it all★

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★Emerald POV★

Beep beep beep, ugh It was 6:45 and I was awoken by the most annoying sound every.... my alarm clock. I angrily hit the snooze button praying for another hour of sleep. Finally I dozed back off only to be awaken by that annoying sound again. Ugh, for crying out loud. "I'm up!"

I turned off my alarm and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and did my daily hygiene routine. After showering, I lotined my body, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I toweled dried my hair and let it stay within its natural curl like state before pulling it up into a messy bun. I did my make up, grabbed my leather jacket, placed my MacBook in my bookbag and headed downstairs.

Amelia was dressed and in the kitchen talking to her husband Ford. I had successfully managed to avoid Amy since Saturdays event, but since I didn't have a car here she was my ride. "Morning Em, you ready for your first day" my aunt asked as a grabbed a piece of toast and an apple. "As ready as ever" was my reply as I spread butter on my toast. We ate and talked for about 10 more minutes before I realized Amy had yet to come down.

"Hey Auntie where's Amy, it's my first day and I don't want to be late" I asked. She smiled at me before replying, "oh, I totally forgot she left early today... something about a friend emergency, but Ford will drop you off sweetie." I mentally cursed myself for not having my car here but shrugged it off when Ford announced he was ready.

We hopped in Ford's 2015 all White Audi and headed towards the school. I didn't know this man. I mean I heard stories about him and even seen pictures, but we had never uttered a word to each other. So to say this ride was awkward was a giant understatement.

So naturally being me, I put on my headphones and let Wayne play all the way to school. I was humming to Nothing but trouble when I felt the car come to a full stop. I opened my eyes and saw a freaking college campus in front of me. I mentally prepared myself before thanking Ford and heading towards what I assumed was the main building.

I pulled out my phone and shot Amy a quick text. Cuzzo: Nice of you to show me around

The school quad was packed for it to be a Monday morning and for some reason all eyes were on me. It was like I had a giant neon sign that read, "NEW GIRL HERE!" above my head. I was getting the stink eye from multiple girls and the boys were snickering as if something was on my face. Being me, I ignored it and continued to the main building which was surrounded by cliques.

"Hello, Miss Emerald" ugh her voice made me cringed. I slowly turned around and in front of me was the she devil herself. "Ivy, I thought I wouldn't have to see you, ever.... seeing how huge this school is" was my reply.

She smirked at me, "Oh, Emerald dear didn't I tell you this was my domain, mi CASA, MA Maison, MIA CASA, my Queendom, where I am the queen and you are my peasant," Ivy said as she stared daggers at me. I literally burst out laughing, I mean I wasn't trying to be rude, it just was hilarious that she was taking high school popularity this seriously. I'm guessing she didn't like my reaction because she was looking at me as if I had suddenly sprouted two heads. I swear if looks could kill, Miss Ivy would have committed murder. I smirked at her reaction and attempted to proceed up the stairs in search of the school office. But before I could open the door, I heard her yell, "how rude of me...I forgot to properly welcome you, " she snapped her fingers and the next thing I know almost every student that was on the quad hands were filled with water balloons.

Smack. Bam. Boom. Kasploosh.

They came from left, right, east and west. They just kept coming and coming. The only thing I could think to do was to block my face. After what felt like years the balloons stopped coming and I was completely soaked from head to toe.

I wiped the water from my face and all I saw was Ivy. I wanted to kill her, but I didn't. I didn't even want to look at her. It amazed me at how much power she had over this school. Not wanting to give her a show. I lifted my head up and smiled as I walked into the building as the crowd's laughter grew softer and softer.

I was drenched but I had to get to the office. Finding the office was relatively easy considering the size of this school. I mean this school consisted of three different main buildings, a gym, indoor and outdoor track, plus a luscious football field. I admit Madison Prep put my old school to shame. I entered the office and walked up to the desk. A gorgeous middle aged lady spoke first, "oh my, let me guess, you got on Ivy's bad side? Let me take you into the locker room so you can dry your clothes and then you can meet Miss Smith."

I smiled tenderly and thanked the lady as we walked to the gym laundry room. She gave me a clean towel and headed back to the office. After about 30 minutes I found my way back to the office and finally sat with the principal. She talked for about 45 minutes about how Madison Prep was a school of excellence and how I needed to maintain a steady 3.5 GPA to keep my scholarship and blah blah blah. I tuned her out as she went on and on.

By the time I finished touring the school and gathering my books for class it was lunch time. Honestly, after the morning I had I wasn't feeling this whole school thing and I needed a fat blunt badly. I knew I wasn't going to any classes today, but I had no idea how to get to the Amy house so I did the next best thing. I headed to the parking lot and broke into Amy's car. I guess I have to play the waiting game.



So what do you think...did Emerald deserve that or was Ivy just being a bitch.. Plus don't you think Amy could have no she should have warned her. Comment Vote

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