☆The Talk of Madison Prep☆

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Ivy's POV

O.M.G did I just kiss Emerald Greene! was the only thought playing through my head as I walked to homeroom. Of course Kacey, Lacy, and Lucy were going on and on about that little interaction between Em and I but I was completely zoned out. I know you guys are wondering where's Blake let's just say after our fall out she switch homeroom, which officially sucks for me because I need to talk to her now about these weird feelings I'm having. So I pulled out my phone and searched for her name.

S.O.S 🆘 what the hell did I just do 😲kill me now💣🔪🔫

I sat in silence and anxiously awaited her reply. Maybe this is a dream. Yeah that's what this is. So I pinched myself a couple times. Nope not working still here. I got it, I clicked my heels three times. "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home" I whispered in hopes of this being a cruel joke. Damn, still nothing. My phone had vibrated indicating I had a new message.

Oh calm down Ivy, you did a good thing. Now Emerald knows u like her.

Da fuck did I just read.

How the hell does a kiss on the cheek mean, I like her I mean yeah, I flirt with her but that's just me. Ugh I'm so confused

Two minutes passed, five minutes passed. What the hell is taking her so long to reply.


Was she fucking serious, I thought as I read the one word reply.

Seriously it took you fucking ten minutes to reply with a simply OK! I am literally freaking the fuçk out right now and all you can say is OK. No Blakey you have to give me some advice

I sighed and rubbed my forehead it's not even 8 o'clock yet and I am already so over this day.

It's not that I don't want to help I do. It's just you both are so stubborn. Clearly you have some sort of feelings for her. Weather it be attraction or lust or watever.....it's there. Talk to her about it or just continue to act on it like you did today and maybe she will feel the same way but you have to stop running from it. Today was the first time in a long time I've seen you smile like that. Like that was an actual smile. Emerald caused that. Besides I knew ya'll had some serious chemistry 😉

I sighed at the message because she was absolutely right. Being with Emerald had actually made me feel...like the old Ivy. The Ivy I was before I was picked to become the Queen of Madison Prep. She made me feel like I was a regular person. She made me feel like a kid again. I was happy, carefree, ans i didnt have to worry about the prrssures of being ME. She made me feel different and not like someone who you only befriended to become popular. Emerald didn't care about my status. She is so carefree and humble and for some reason I'm drawn to her.

I reread Blake's message and decided she was right. I wasn't going to rush into anything with Emerald. I'll simply continue to get to know her and see how everything plays out.

****three class periods later******

Ring Ring

I quickly put my notebook and  chemistry book into my backpack and headed towards my locker. The girls were all waiting there for me. I internally rolled my eyes as Kacey, Lacy, and Lucy all crowded around my locker. I hate the fact that they need to me to go anywhere but it was apart of my title, so I pretend to enjoy it. I stood by my locker and handed Kacey my bag. She immediately put in my locker combo and exchanged my books for my English and Web design class, that I had after lunch. When she was done, I lead them to the schools cafeteria.

Like always as I entered the cafeteria all eyes were on me. I smiled and began to walk to the front of the line cutting in front of the already long line. It wasn't until I noticed Emerald at the end of the line and turned around and walked towards her. "Hey," I said as I approached her. She waved back at me but didn't speak. I furrowed my eyebrows because I didn't have a clue why she was acting this way. "You know you don't have to stand in this long line. You can come to the front with me," I said as I gave her a hopeful smile.

She immediately shook her head but still didn't reply. I was getting a little frustrated because I had no idea what I did wrong. Finally growing a pair, I simply asked, "did I do something wrong or something to offend you?" She sighed and ran her hands through her hair before finally speaking, "no, everything is fine Ivy!" I knew she was lying so I continued to push, "don't lie to me Em, what's going on?" She didn't answer so I poked her in the stomach causing her to giggle as she moved up in line. I still didn't understand why she just didn't get out of line and follow me to the front but whatever. "Soooooo are you going tell me the truth or continue to lie," I asked again. She sighed again, "it's nothing, it's just I don't want to cut in front of all these people. They were her first and I think it's rude but you can go up there if you want. I know you have to keep up your bad ass persona" she said.

I internally cringed at her comment. I knew cutting the line was a bitch move but honestly it was a ritual. No Queen or King of Madison Prep has ever stood in a line. It was almost a rite of passage. It was a simple act that held so much power. It was a way to physically say, "Hey, look I'm better than you!" I continued to battle with my thoughts. Luckily for me the line was long as hell and during my mini debate with myself Emerald only manged to move up to steps.

"Aren't you gonna go get your food Miss Wright?" She asked as she cooked her head to the side. I swear I love the way she says my surname, I thought. "You know what screw what people think, I'm gonna stand in line with you Miss Greene," I said as we stood in line. About ten minutes later we both had our food and walked to my normal table. Of course as I walked passed people where talking about me.

O.m.g. did she just wait in line?
The heads before her would be so disappointed?
I can't believe she did that?
Why is she even with her?
She can do so much better?

Finally reaching my table I sighed and greeted the girls who seemed to be oblivious to what was going on around them. "What took you long," Lacy asked. "I was waiting in line with Em, " I replied in. Nonchalant way. "You were WHAT," they all yelled as their heads snapped towards me. I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I noticed Emerald heading towards an empty table. "Hey, you can sit hear," I said as I grabbed her arm and gently pulled her into the empty chair next to me. The silence at the table was extremely uncomfortable. Normally the girls would be talking non-stop about any and everything but not today. Nope, all they seemed to do was glare at Emerald and judging on the amount of times she ran her hands through her hair, I could tell she was extremely uncomfortable. I mean weren't they just telling me to play nice with her and now that I am they have a problem.

After another 20 minutes of silence I couldn't take it anymore. "What the hell is you guys problem?" I said through gritted teeth. All eyes turned to me and Lacy spoke up, "she is OUR problem, like she is changing you and possibly tarnishing your reputation, since when do you wait in a fucking line for anything," she spoke back. "It's my reputation, so leave the worrying about it to me and I do as I please and if anybody has a problem with it they can deal with Me! Now get the hell up from MY table," I yelled as I clenched my fist. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her things and proceeded to stand up but right before she could leave I stopped her. "Lacy, wait your forgetting something," she turned to face me with an arched eyebrow and I grabbed my cup of coke and poured it all over her head. I snapped my fingers and the entire cafeteria began to throw food and trash at her.

After she was completely covered in food and trash I raised my hand and everyone stopped and silence filled the entire cafeteria. "Anybody else have any questions about what the fuçk I choose to do," I asked as I faced the entire schools population. No one uttered a word and I smiled to myself as I sat back in my seat and continued my lunch. "Kacey, get me a new drink NOW," I said as she ran towards the fountain drink dispenser.  I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't notice Emerald had left the cafeteria until I looked up to see a very disappointed looking Blake walking my way. I sighed and just continued to eat my food and waited for the bell to ring.

Kinda a rushed chapter but hope you enjoy. Didn't have time to proofread so sorry for any errors.


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