☆Dark Date & Special Place☆

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and I immediately glance at the clock sitting on the bed side table. I groan because no matter how comfortable I am laying on top of Emerald and wrapped in her arms, I know we had to get up for dinner. I gently tucked a stray string of hair behind her ear as I stared at her sleeping form. I couldn't help but think she looked more beautiful and peaceful while sleeping. Her facial features were so relaxed and there was just something so innocent about watching her sleep. It was like I was seeing her in a new light. She wasn't wearing any forced expression, no smile or frown, there was no mask at all. She was just her, totally relaxed, primal, peaceful and extremely beautiful.

Her beautiful brown eyes were hidden behind her eyelids, her face was relaxed, as her mouth was slightly ajar. Soft snores filled the air as I just admired her. There was something so innately attractive about this tranquil moment. Not able to resist the urge my heart warms as I gently place a tender kiss on her cheek and watch her subconscious reaction. She smiles as she tightens her grip around me. Soon her eyes flutter open and her beautiful voice fills the room.

'What time is it?' Emerald asked in a raspy voice that caused me to bite my bottom lip. I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened once I realized I spent nearly ten minutes watching Emerald sleep. '7:30,' I replied as I attempted to get up. Emerald arms immediately held me tighter. I smiled because clearly neither one of us wanted to move. "Do we have to go," Emerald asked as she ran her fingers through my hair. I sighed before replying, 'Yes, now come on lord knows we don't want to keep Blake waiting.' Emerald groaned before we both finally got up. We quickly freshened up and headed downstairs to the restaurant.

'Welcome to Le Noir, my I have your names please,' the hostess greets. I sent her a polite smile, 'Ivy Wright, or it might be under Blake Livingston we have a group of eight,' I replied as she checked her pad. 'Ivy Wright and Emerald Greene, your table for two awaits you,' she said. I furrowed my eyebrows before looking at Emerald. 'Did she say table for two??' I asked just to make sure I wasn't hearing things. Emerald nodded her head before shrugging her shoulders and grabbing my hand as we followed our waitress.

After entering the lounge area we were greeted by another host. She handed me an envelope before telling me she would be back to explain tonight's event. I glanced at the note and immediately recognized Blake's hand writing.

By now you should have realized we won't be joining you guys for dinner and if you haven't then let me tell you...we won't be coming. I want you to relax tonight with Emerald and enjoy your time together. Love ya and don't be too mad at me.

Your bestie :)

I smiled at the letter before handed it to Emerald. 'I guess it's just you and I tonight,' I said as the hostess finally rejoined us. She begins to explain the concept to us. Apparently, this was a dark restaurant, meaning we would be dinning in the dark. I honestly thought it was cute because this was always something I wanted to try. We were both told to hand over any item that generated light; which for us meant our cell phones. After our items were placed in a locker, we were guided to a room. Apparently we had to choose from four different cards that each represented a different meal course. White equaled surprise (which apparently meant exotic food), Red equaled Meat, Blue was for seafood, and lastly green for vegetarian.

'So what course will it be ladies,' the waiter asked. Emerald said she was feeling adventurous so she went with white, while I choose to stick with what I knew and went with Red. Soon we were engulfed in darkness as we were guided to what we could only assume to be the dinning area. We were helped to our seats as Daniel our waiter explained the layout of the table. 'I'll be back with your food shortly,' he replied as I could hear him filling up our cups. 'Your drinks are on your right' Daniel said as I could hear him walk of.

The Taming of the B.I.T.C.H (Lesbian Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat