Meeting Again

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"(y/n)" The familiar voice asks and my eyes focus on him. I'm not sure what came over me, but it's like I was filled with empathy as soon as I saw his deep-blue eyes filled with confusion.

"NINE!" I couldn't help but toss my arms around him and ecstatically thank God that he was safe. His body grew still like he didn't know what to do. After a while, his hands pushed me aside which was reasonable but it still kinda hurt.

"What are you doing here?" Nine averts his eyes from me when a hint of red heats his cheeks. His right arm scratches the back of his head. I kinda realized at that moment what I did and fixed my eyes to the floor a bit embarrassed. I don't know him like that! Like, I only met him some time ago!

"Hmm? Well, how are you doing?" My attention turns back toward him as he asks about my well being. I felt a hint of pain, or like a headache coming, but I ignored it and replied with a smile.

"I'm doing swell! But...are you okay?" I tilt my head a bit, "And the blue hedgehog? Where's he?" But Nine kept his silence. I walked close to him and took his left hand in mine. "I was wondering...what happened after Sonic disappeared." The fox juts his head up like he forgot I saw anything that happened in the shard room.

"I don't remember much. Like, about afterward...I kinda bumped my head a little too hard, heh." I close my eyes and smile at him. He moves his hand a bit but doesn't let go of my grip. I looked at him once more and saw his features. He kept his eyes down, but I was able to notice the brown in his fur, the extra fluff on his ears, and his obvious frown.

"You don't remember?" He asks, I shake my head at him. Nine walks away toward a large computer and sparks begin to emerge as he works on some mechanical thing.

"Does it..." I look over his shoulder and admire his work before continuing, "involve me?" A small heat emerges onto my cheeks but I try to reject the feeling. But like, it's a reasonable question right?

"WHA-" Nine's eyes widened and he looked at me. Our faces were pretty close together since I was still looking over his shoulder, but we both quickly faced opposite directions and I heard his voice mumble, "Maybe..."

"You were knocked unconscious and so were your 'friends' so..." He carries on with the mechanical thing, "I brought you back to check up on you, but I don't know much about medicine. I took you to your base after a day thinking they could probably take care of you better." I was speechless when I heard his caring confession. I put my arms over him while he sat and thanked him.

"Jeez whiz, I'm glad nothing bad happened."

"Ahem, room."

"Oh right! Sorry!" I placed my hands on his chair instead when I began to feel a little woozy, "Um, I-" Then I closed my eyes as gravity led me to the floor.

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