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1 Month Later – 8th June

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The whole of the country cannot stop talking about tomorrow, and it unnerves yet excites me. I don't think I've ever had this much confused emotion going on in my brain. I also don't think I've ever been to a hotel so extravagant before. We're in The Royal Apartment in The Goring Hotel in London. Charlotte said it's her favourite hotel, and the suite is only ever reserved for royalty – or people okayed by the monarch to use it. Dad, Annie, Patrick, and Gemma are all in rooms paid for by the crown downstairs, so I have the entire suite to myself.

The TV in the lounge of the suite is on while Annie and Gemma drink champagne. The master bedroom of the suite is where I'll be sleeping, and the staff converted the second bedroom into a dressing room for me where the dress is hanging, shoes in the box, and jewellery in a box. Queen Charlotte has lent me a tiara – my first one – that I will get to keep now for use, along with a few others she has planned to loan me.

Tonight, the Palace is hosting a gala for all the members of other royal families and political heads invited to the wedding. People I haven't even met before or would ever dream of meeting like the President of the United States, Spanish royals, and members of the British government. Luckily, neither Kai nor I have to go. He's spending the night in one of the royal houses around Buckingham Palace so he can sleep and get ready. His best man is his cousin, Prince James, who's currently fifth in line because of the losses in the family.

"This is nuts. We've done seven practices. They still want more?" Patrick sighs as he sits down on the sofa with a glass of whiskey.

"Don't drink too much tonight. You've got the biggest wedding ever tomorrow," Annie warns.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, and apparently, according to this online poll, all the women are looking at me as a bachelor. Thanks, sis!" He's joking, and we all know it, but the rehearsals have been way too much today, even for me.

"We don't need to do any more rehearsals. The military is doing a run-through so they know the timings perfectly down the streets of London. It's also mainly for the public who are camping out, so they have some sort of entertainment. There's also one just before dawn breaks tomorrow, that's mainly for the carriages and whatnot," I mention.

"They put a screen up outside the door of the hotel," Gemma mentions and points to the TV. "Why?"

"So people don't see the dress as I walk out of the hotel. We want the first glimpse of it to be when I get out of the car at the abbey," I mention and stare at the screen. The whole Commonwealth – and the world – is going nuts for this. The Commonwealth has a day off, every TV station is showing the wedding, and people have been camping out on the London streets for a week. 

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