Chapter 7

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After spending nearly the whole day with Charlie, I got to know quite a number of things about him. One of the things were that he had moved into the city to take care of his old grandma.
He showed me a number of pictures to brag about how cute she was and I found it cute how excited he got while talking about her. He looked exactly like a young child bragging about going to a park or spending time with their parents infront of their classmate and even though I sort of liked being alone in college, it was a nice change of pace.

"Hey...would it be possible to send me the notes of the class?" He asked. It hasn't been long since the semester had begun thus there wasn't much to send.

"Sure" I agreed and he lightened up evidently.

"Then can you give me your number? So that you can send them?" I asked sounding a little unsure with a tinge of nervousness in his voice.

"Umm sure" I smiled and typed my number in his phone.

"Thanks, I'll ping you as soon as I can, sorry for the trouble" He fidgeted about.

"Don't fret, it's no trouble at all." I reassured him.

"Oh right, how about a cup of coffee? Are you...busy right now?" He asked out of the blue and no matter how much I wanted to make a friend, coffee or going to other places was simply not my thing unless it was with someone I knew and trusted completely.

"Eh...I don't think it's going to be possible. Sorry though" I tried to decline as politely as I could and he smiled accepting the decline.

"How about a little trip to the library then? Can you show me maybe? I haven't been around the campus yet" He requested and I couldn't refuse it, afterall I too wanted to visit the library to issue a book and going with him didn't seem like a problem.

"Sure let's go" We started walking together and talked about a number of things on our way. Even though the library wasn't too far from our department, it took us a little more than the usual time thanks to us walking leisurely.

We entered the library and were immediately hit by it's disciplined atmosphere. There was a peaceful silence that was scattered around the whole place and like most other libraries it had the perfect atmosphere for anyone who wished to study.

( Writer's thought: For anyone who's wondering what was the need to write that the library was quiet since most of them anyway are, I would like to say - not all, not my school one atleast, nope, anytime you will find a bunch of either students or teachers talking in there as if it's a frickin' talking club or something, like just let me study in peace exams are coming up and I haven't completed sh*t till now ╥﹏╥ )

We took the books that we needed and sat down beside each other. A little later he wanted to ask me something and tried to whisper but the place was so quiet that even the whisper sounded loud that earned him a number of glares.

He apologized and hid his head in the book feeling embarrassed because of his actions and I chuckled silently seeing him.

"I've been smiling more than usual" I thought to myself liking the pleasant change.

"You've the attention span of a toddler" I wrote in my copy and slid it towards him.

"Well how can I concentrate when there's such a cute guy sitting right beside me?" he wrote back.

I smiled upon reading it and looked up towards him appreciating his courage to say something like that on the very first day.

"Who are you talking about?" I tried to play dumb.

"The ghost beside me obviously" He rolled his eyes at me after I was done reading it.

"I'm talking about you ofcourse" He wrote again.

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