Chapter 13

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After a whole daunting hour or so they finally stopped at the the final place. Pete heard Charlie's footsteps approaching the trunk and pretended to be unconscious to look for a gap.

The trunk door opened but in came no sunlight. It was already past evening somewhere around 7 or so and with each passing moment his desperation to escape was increasing. Afterall, maybe no one back home had any idea of his whereabouts and in such a situation they were bound to get worried. Not to mention things could get extremely out of hand if his father was to know of the whole thing.
Even though he was already old enough, he was still afraid of his father locking him away in some insignificant corner of the house like he had done years ago, to punish him for trying to run away. He was left there to starve, and the dark room filled with noises of the hungry mice running around weren't helping at all but that however wasn't even the worst part of the story.

"I need to get back as soon as possible. Agh I don't even know if he still has my phone under his possession or if he has already thrown it away somewhere." He groaned internally in frustration.

Instead of Charlie, two other men lifted him up this time and carried him to a room that looked like one out of the movies where the victims are usually kept in.

After dumping him in the room and tying him again, they left him alone in there before locking the door behind them.

Pete's POV:

I opened my eyes after making sure that all the noises, the uneven breathing, the rigid footsteps had all drowned and got to work immediately.
I took the glass piece that I had hidden in one of my pant pockets that they couldn't get a hold of due to the pants being baggy and good at hiding stuff, and used it cut the ropes.
The glass piece had lightly pierced my thigh but that was my least concern in a situation where I was trapped in a human trafficking ring and was their next victim.

After setting myself free, I got up to my feet and had never been more thankful to my light steps that made negligible noise while walking.

There was a concrete overhead slab (Writer's note: the one you see in homes, on which usually discarded items are kept)
beside a small window closed with a plastic net. Since there were no other windows in the room, I decided to see where it lead to.

Unfortunately, there weren't any chairs or boxes that could be used to climb to the slab.

"I have to run with full force and jump into the wall to push myself upwards and catch the edge of the slab" I revised my plan in my head.

I couldn't risk making any noise hence, I took off my shoes which were bound to cause sounds during the whole endeavour of running and jumping into the wall. The socks had to ofcourse come off as well to refrain me from slipping, hitting my head against something and dying in the process.

I hid them away after making sure that no one was coming in the direction of the room and started counting.

"At the count of three" I nodded and the moment I reached three, I shot myself horizontally and jumped into the wall before pushing myself up, against the wall with as much force as I could use and thankfully got a hold of the slab.
I sighed it and lifted myself up before crouching beside the window. Peeping into the other room, I found no presence inside it.
The net that was used to cover the medium-sized opening into the next room was plastic due to which, it could be broken with a little pressure.

I started agitating it constantly by compressing and stretching it continuously to push it beyond it's stretchability leading to its eventual breakage.

The whole thing ofcourse didn't break but I was able to detach a part of it, just enough to allow me to pass through it. The edges were still sharp so I had to take special care to not have my clothes stuck in it. But in the end, I succeeded in changing my location to the next room.

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