Chapter 20

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"Charlie! Long time no see my husband's dearest ex-best friend" Vegas said menacingly as he walked towards the perpetrator who was chained inside the cell and was barely hanging to a string of consciousness having been beaten up mercilessly.

The crispy sound of the low heels of Vegas' shoes hitting the cold floor as he walked, echoed in the daunting silence.

Even though there were a number of bodyguards gaurding the cell, none of them were feeling courageous enough to even breathe deeply fearing the sound it may produce, for they had already witnessed a glimpse of Vegas' smile and the look of wrath that glimmered in his dark eyes shadowed with pure sadism.

"Now now, why are your eyes so fixated on the ground? Are you not happy to see me after so long?" Vegas siezed Charlie's jaw and tightened his hold, thus crushing his jaw under his grip.

"Tsk! This is no fun" He clicked his tongue as he shoved Charlie's jaw. He got up from where he was half-kneeling and grabbing a bottle with a clear liquid in it, opened the cap that was sealing the substance.

There was a single small sheet of paper pasted on top of the cap with "pure alcohol" handwritten on it. Vegas looked at it for once but tossed it to some far corner of the dimly lit room not sparing it a second glance.

"Ready to get that wound disinfected huh?" Vegas smiled sadistically at the half-conscious man and seizing his hair jolted his head up to get a good view of his face. He titled the bottle and started pouring down its content onto Charlie's face and arms that tricked down into his freshly made open wounds making him scream out in pain. He thrashed about to break free from the bindings but could barely do anything except suffer helplessly.

Once his screamings came to a halt, he looked up towards Vegas with eyes filled with bitter loathing. That however, didn't affect him a bit, but the fact that the one trembling on the floor in pain and fear, was finally fully conscious gave him enough pleasure.

"Don't look at me like that. You are not the victim, the number of innocent lives you played with are. This is nothing compared to what's coming for you." Vegas said as he let out an airy mocking chuckle.

He walked around the room a little as he wore his gloves and once they were on, sat down on a chair placed in the middle of the room. A bodyguard came in and handed him a list with a few names on it. As he flipped through it, a satisfied expression took over his features.

"Wanna take a look?" He said as he threw it towards Charlie and sat back on the chair looking completely relaxed.

"Rejoice, your victims have been located and transferred back to the places you forcefully abducted them from." Vegas informed him.

As Charlie kept staring at the document with a sour expression, his desire to defeat Vegas fueled by his hurt ego, increased substantially. It had grown to such manifolds that he could no longer consider how his actions would prove to be detrimental to himself in the awfully near future.

"You think anyone's going to accept them?" He said in a low voice wanting to prove how Vegas' actions were bound to go in vain.

"What?" Vegas asked, unable to catch what the words that left the man's throat were.

"You think anyone's going to accept them?!" He looked up. His eyes held a inhumane look in them.

"Nobody's going to see whose fault it was. They will never accept them again. Even after I am gone, the impact I left on their lives will stay. The agony, the loneliness, the yearning to end it all, everything will stay with them and remind them of me, every single day, every single hour, every single minute and every single second." Charlie laughed maniacally sounding amused over the work he had. At the moment it looked as if not even hell could contain an entity so filled with hate, selfishness and fraudulence.

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