Chapter 18

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"Is there any place that you want to visit after the doctor's appointment?" Vegas questioned while tying Pete's shoelaces.

"I can walk Wegath" Pete said for one last time to convince his husband but it was in vain.

"Ofcourse I know you can walk. You must have started waddling by the time you were barely one year old." Vegas said nonchalantly, however that did not impress Pete.

"You need to develop your sense of humour." He said in a flat tone while looking at Vegas with judging eyes.

"And you need to develop your sense of self-preservation. Now sit on this wheelchair or I'll have to throw you over my shoulder." Vegas smirked looking at him while Pete stared at Vegas with a gaping mouth looking rather dumbfounded.

"You won't do that!" Pete protested however Vegas didn't seem like he was joking.

"Don't test me love, you know how shameless I can be" Vegas winked as he grabbed the wheelchair and brought it towards Pete.
Even though he was still reluctant to sit on it, the only other option available seemed far too embarrassing to him to actually choose it.
Carry me over his shoulders? One had to be crazy to do that infront of all the bodyguards and family members who are always striding or relaxing around the house. Thought Pete.

But then again, Vegas wasn't the sanest of people he had known, he had a demented side to him, not that Pete hated it though.

As both of them were on their way to the parking lot with Vegas pushing the wheelchair, they came across Porsche who was relaxing in the lounge and seemed pleasantly surprised to see them both.

"Oh? Looks like they made up finally. Did he hit his head somewhere perhaps? If he did then I must pay the place my respect for knocking some sense into that pea-sized brain of his." Porsche thought as he got up from the couch and walked towards them.

"Going somewhere you two?" He asked while smiling at them.

"To the hospital, to get my wounds checked and get an injection as well to prevent any possible infection." Pete replied.

"Oh" Porsche nodded

"Ah right! Vegas! I heard a new cafe opened around the corner, I will send you the location, take Pete there on your way back. He loves sweets" Porsche slipped the idea into Vegas' mind while silently hoping for him to accept the proposal and to his surprise, he actually did!

"Sure, thanks for informing." Vegas smiled lightly in response wondering if Pete still relished sweets as much as he did during their school days and couldn't help but feel fuzzy while remembering Pete's chipmunk cheeks that he had last seen years ago.

"We'll get going then, see you later" Vegas said and as he was about to leave, Porsche walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

"I hope you'll treat him right from now on. If you dare to return to your past self, just know that I'll definitely hunt you down this time." Porsche patted his shoulder and creating some distance between them, smiled at him again before turning towards Pete to bid him goodbye.

Soon they were out of the house and the smile that had crept up Pete's lips upon seeing Porsche had still not left his lips.

"Isn't Porsche such a sweet and warm person?" Pete expressed and even though Vegas didn't seem like he agreed to it fully, he didn't try to protest.

"Sure as long as you don't do anything that pisses him off badly." He thought while thinking about probably some distant memory of Porsche being a nightmare to his enemies.
If Vegas knew how to break his enemies down physically, Porsche knew how to break them down mentally. Manipulation, illusion and erasing every trace were a few of his most used techniques.
Probably no one except the family members knew how the warmth and harmless looking attitude of Porsche could make anyone open up to him that most often proved to be quite advantageous to him.
But there was no need of saying all the things to Pete and risking the breakage of the close bond they shared since Porsche was the type to always protect the people he determined to be his own and from what Vegas had seen, Porsche was ready to risk anything for Pete.

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