Chapter 10

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Third person POV:

Vegas kicked the nearby table in anger before storming out of the room. The whole argument had messed up his mental peace, infuriating him to no end.

But a surprise was waiting for him in the living room.

Third person POV Ends.

Vegas' POV:

Porsche was sitting on the sofa looking rather furious while Ken was kneeling on the floor in front of him completely roughed up. There were two bodyguards restraining him and the scene gave rise to a number of questions in my head.

"What is going on Porsche?" I asked softly refraining the anger from reflecting on my face.

He looked up towards me before reverting his gaze back to Ken. His eyes were looking as if he was trying his best to hold himself back from slaughtering Ken.

"This fu*ker poured hot water on Pete's hand and instead of apologising, blamed him for not catching the glass." He gritted his teeth before scoffing, and pouncing to grab his jaw.

"That's not all" He said as a sadistic smile took over his expressions.

His hold on Ken's jaw tightened as he continued.

"He even had the audacity to insult him after that...about how PETE didn't deserve to be a member of this household and spewed quite a lot of bullsh*t". He said but I no longer was in my senses to process anything. Porsche's words were like thunderclap to me and my mind immediately stopped working as I realised the gravity of my mistake.

"Take him to the third cell" My voice came out in a whisper but thankfully the bodyguards were able to hear it owing to their sharp senses.

Ken screamed as they dragged him away but no one batted an eye, afterall he deserved to be punished for the felony that he had committed. Out of the four cells, the third cell was the second most deadly cell. According to those who had ever witnessed the scenes inside it, a person would be better off dead if they were sent to the third cell.

"Thankfully a bodyguard witnessed the whole scene and immediately informed me about it. That bi*ch probably thought that since there were no cameras in the room, he could do and say anything he wanted to." Porsche said, explaining the whole scenario and as much as I wanted to make Ken beg for his death, I wanted to torture myself as well for being such an as*hole to Pete and not even giving him a chance to explain himself.

"If you are thinking of hurting yourself to redeem what you did to him, then abandon the thought, Pete isn't going to like it. Rather, apologise from the bottom of your heart and start treating him the way he deserves to be treated if you are truly sorry" Porsche said while getting up from the sofa.

"Porsche?" He was about to step out of the room but stopped upon hearing me and let out an airy chuckle.

"Confused as to how I knew about it? Well, it's written all over your face that you did something to him." He said while looking over his shoulder and left the room, leaving me in silence to deal with the mess that I had created.

Three hours later:

I entered the room and the haunting silence of it instantly made me fearstruck if Pete was absent from the room. But thankfully it wasn't the case.

Upon looking around, my eyes fell on his small stature that was sitting on the bed swiping through his phone.

I hesitated for a while but pushed myself to go towards him after smacking myself inwardly.

"Pete" I called him softly but he ignored the call.

"Help me someone" I mumbled to myself as I went carefully towards him and kneeled right before him.

Hateful Love ( Vegaspete )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα