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The ride would have normally consisted of a continuation of their prior conversation about Marleigh's father, catching up, and a touch of gossip between the girls, but a swift eye catch and eyebrow raise let Mar know it would be better to do so later, so she opted to plug her phone up and start "Santeria" by Sublime, silently cursing at herself that she didn't bring Mags: what if she ran into him?

Before her thoughts spiraled too much she simply pushed them away, following Sarah's lead of rolling down her window and singing along. She caught Rafe's eye in the rearview mirror when reaching for the volume. He had been staring deeply into her eyes but quickly looked away when he knew she had realized. 

Marleigh took a really, really deep breath, again regretting the "unforgettable summer" promise she had made to herself. 


As they pulled up to the Boneyard, Mar was sure to sift through the entire parking lot to be positive that damned van was nowhere in sight. Before she could look too hard, Sarah pointed,

"Oh, pull right there! That's Topper's!" Rafe scoffed from the back seat, and out of the corner of her blue eyes Marleigh saw Sarah roll her own. 

Marleigh inched into the spot next to the other Jeep as Sarah waved and smiled huge at the driver of the vehicle: Topper. Marleigh had no personal issues with the Kook boy, but from her prior summers, she knew of his pretentious personality and close friendship with none other than Rafe Cameron. Sarah and he would never work in her eyes, but she would never tell her that. 

Sarah jumped out and Marleigh, not wanting to be stuck alone with Rafe, followed her best friend by turning off the Jeep and collecting her phone. She swiftly walked around to meet Topper, Sarah, and their friend, Kelce. 

"YOOO, Mar! Long time no see. What brings you back to the OBX?" Topper began, putting his arm around Sarah and looking down at her. "You didn't tell me she was coming back."

"Well I didn't really know," Sarah giggled. 

"Just here for the summer, you know," Marleigh said with a hand in her blonde hair. "And, of course, I missed you guys." She bounced on her toes inside of her pale blue Converse and white ruffle socks as she gestured to the group of people listening to her. 

"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say we're glad to have you back," Topper replied with his pretty boy smile and Kelce nodded. Rafe opened the Jeep door, showing off his daftly preppy outfit and combed over hair while wiping his nose and tucking something deeply into his back pocket. 

waves // jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now