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past - summer of 2019

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past - summer of 2019


JJ <3: Plan still on?

Marleigh : no


Marleigh: jk :p what are we doing frl tho

JJ<3: Be on ur dock at 12

JJ <3: Oh and bring snacks plssss


A wonderful wake-up-call it was. 

A text from the very person Marleigh fell asleep thinking about. 

A perfect start to a perfect day. 

Sitting up and stretching, she heard her phone buzz again, flipping it over to reveal a text from Sarah. 

Sar :)) : keep me updated!!

Marleigh liked the message and finally stood up out of bed, lighting her linen-smelling candle and sliding the curtains open to reveal a beautiful, sunny, not-a-cloud-in-sight day. 

A grin meeting her face, she rounded her bed to her bathroom. 

Her blonde waves were already perfect, so she accented them with a couple of small braids. The two hair wraps woven in her hair peeked through the ends and her dewey skin glew with sheer happiness. 

Tying on her orange bikini, she slipped on a loose knit sweater and linen pants, sliding on her favorite Birkenstocks as she exited her bedroom. 

Taking one of her dad's Yeti zip-up coolers from the garage, she scrounged for the snacks JJ requested, pausing as she passed the garage fridge. 

A couple of beers wouldn't hurt. 

She opened the slick white door and removed just 4, carefully stashing them away, checking her Shark watch to reveal it was 12:06. 

She ran through the empty kitchen to the back door, reminding herself she needed to text her mother in order to keep up with her promise. 

Marleigh's sandals smacked against the ground as she made her way down the concrete in the sweltering sun, spotting a dinky boat titled "HMS Pogue" harboring the three boys. 

JJ spotted her as soon as she stepped foot on the wooden dock. Admiring her beauty in the sunshine, he threw out an, "Ahoy, Marleigh!" in a deep pirate voice. "Arrrr!" 

waves // jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now