Chapter 13: A Dance and an Accident

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(When I start talking about the music, press Play on the video, but you'll know when to stop it)

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(When I start talking about the music, press Play on the video, but you'll know when to stop it)

While Clarisse and the girls enjoyed their festive mocktails, Joseph talked with his best mate, Jason Cruz, about his trip to see his ailing grandparents in Maine. He had just been talking about snowboarding with his cousin when Joseph's phone pinged from his pocket. He pulled it out and unlocked it, only to see this message from Clarisse:

To: Babe

From: Baby

The girls saw our texts, babe. 🥺

Joseph snickered before typing out a reply and sending it to her. He was visualizing the childish yet adorable pout on his girlfriend's face when she opened it.

From: Babe

To: Baby

Sorry. But how about I make it up to you.... around midnight? 😘

I'm looking forward to it. 😏 What about you?

She responded quickly.

To: Babe

From: Baby

You better make it up to me, you tease. I love you. 💋 💋

Joseph nodded in satisfaction before sending a reply.

To: Baby

From: Babe

Of course. I love you. 😘 ❤️

Jason was watching Joseph with curious but narrowed green eyes. It was suspicious. Joseph had been laughing and smiling at something on his phone for the past few minutes. But when he was done, Joseph let it slip from his hands into his lap. Jason raised an eyebrow at Joseph before clearing his throat, but unsurprisingly, he was completely ignored.

A moment later, he tried again, making sure it was louder. Of course, it still didn't work. So, he leaned forward, trying to glimpse Joseph's texts. Seeing what his friend was doing, Joseph snatched up his phone, held it to his chest, and stared Jason down. Jason stared back, not backing down. This time, he tried to reach for the device in Joseph's hands, and Joseph moved it so he was holding it behind him.

His eyes turned icy as he clenched his jaw.

"Hey! Don't touch my phone, bruv."

Jason froze in his seat before putting his hands in his lap, apologetically smiling. Joseph sighed in relief. He was thankful his friend wasn't trying to push him into revealing what he was talking about.

"I was trying to see what you were laughing at, Joseph," Jason said, tilting his head to the side. "I'm guessing it had to do with Clarisse?"

The mention of Clarisse's name made Joseph's face turn red. Jason laughed. Growling, Joseph punched him in the stomach lightly. Jason doubled over, clutching at the spot.

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