Chapter 15: Learning the News

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The shocking words had Clarisse springing from Joseph's embrace and sprinting across the room

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The shocking words had Clarisse springing from Joseph's embrace and sprinting across the room. Surprised, their friends jumped out of her way so she didn't flatten them in her haste to get to the phone. And Joseph was left standing on the dance floor.

Layla stood with the phone in hand and watched, impressed by Clarisse's grace. Layla handed her the phone when the girl approached her friend's side. Clarisse thanked her with a silent nod. With trembling hands and a rapidly beating heart, Clarisse put the device to her ear.

"Hello? To whom am I speaking?" The sound of her frightened voice made her cringe.

"My name's Matt Green, a Northeast Georgia Medical Center paramedic. Is this Clarisse Ricci?" A man's deep voice answered.

His Southern accent was so thick that it was difficult for Clarisse to understand him. But she listened carefully, nodding after his question but realizing he couldn't see it.

"Yes, sir, this is Clarisse Ricci," she answered, tapping her nails on the table. "Is this about my mother and sister? Where are they? Are they okay?"

The man hesitated before clearing his throat.

"Ms. Ricci, I'm afraid they're not OK. I'm calling from your mother's art gallery, Braselton Art. There... was a devastating fire that destroyed the facility and trapped your mother, sister, and Mrs. Ricci's assistant, Ms. Anna Coste, inside. Luckily, someone driving by called 911 to report this fire. But Mrs. Ricci and Ms. Coste have sustained third-degree burns to 50% of their bodies, along with acute smoke inhalation. They'll have to stay in the hospital for almost two months for medical care, skin grafts, and operations. Camille, on the other hand, only received first- and second-degree burns and a mild case of smoke inhalation. She can come home tonight after the nurses look her over."

As Clarisse listened to the man's words, her tan face turned pale in shock, and her legs buckled beneath her. Her head was spinning. Frantic for stability, she reached out to grasp the table but struggled to maintain her grip on the slippery wood. Joseph and Layla grabbed her arms, trying to keep her up.

She sent them grateful looks before staring at the wall, her voice concerned.

"Oh, God, Camille must be so terrified. Since she's a minor, I don't want her alone, especially not in the traumatized state she's in. Is there a nurse there to watch over her for the time being? I'll be there as soon as possible."

It was a beat before the paramedic answered her, his voice sounding fatherly.

"Yes, Ms. Ricci. A nurse is currently taking care of her and ensuring she's hydrated. And I understand that you're concerned for her, but please don't be in such a rush to get over to this area. It's New Year's Eve, so there are bound to be many crazy people on the road this evening. Not to mention, it'll be a long while before we arrive at the Emergency section of the hospital; we're still stabilizing your mother and Ms. Coste. And the firefighters and police are working on the blaze and trying to determine its cause."

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