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The relieved cries of fairy parents filled the kingdom as soon as they saw their children back to them, although weak but alive.

That is what matters.

After all the fairy children were taken out, Nanami destroyed the cave even without the fairy queen's orders. Curses lingered in and out of it and the first grade ended the cave of prison for good.

And now, seeing the parents reunite with their children was just heart warming to see.

That is what Megumi felt as the scene unfolded right before their very eyes. Not to mention the reality that they had entered another realm hasn't sunk in yet.

But things happen unexpectedly one thing after the other, after Xhyrah and Xhamirah come clean of being a fairy.

"Must be nice, to have parents like these fairies." Nobara chides dreamily, her smile never fading despite shedding tears of joy for the fairies.

"Unfortunately, that is the reality in our realm. Not every children care for their parents and vice versa. So indeed, those with close family ties are fortunate," Nanami muses pulling Nobara out of her trance.


The reality of their realm.

"It's not only in the fairy realm. But almost all of the mystical creatures have this kind of bond," a flutter of wings and Xhamirah was beside them.

"And once again, I am happy and proud to be a fairy."

Yuji nodded. "Good for you."

Xhamirah glanced at her classmate to see a flash of regret cross Yuji's face. And when he gulped, holding back his tears, it just confirmed her assumption. He's regretting a decision he once or twice did in his life. If only he had listened to his grandpa for the last time.

Even Megumi noticed that but he chose not to say anything. Not when he felt the same. His sister. All he wants for his sister is to wake up so he could show her that he cares. The families reuniting served as an eye opener and they couldn't be more grateful.

"The fairy realm isn't perfect. Just like the human world, this realm has it's own flaws. And not all fairies have close family ties."

All turned their eyes to Xhyrah who approached them, after dissiminating orders and made sure the families were back in the safety of their homes.

"Our world maybe full of sparkles and many beautiful things to behold but it isn't perfect. Yes, for the most parts, it seems so but as you have witnessed as of today, some crave for higher power. Not only for the throne, but even for the head of each family. The good news however is, it doesn't have to result in bloodshed like most humans do."

The queen gestured at the heart warming scene before them.

"And as a fairy royal, we live for these kind of moments. Not for power and authority, not for supernatural abilities and wealth but for these. To see everyone happy with their families and be contented with what they have."

Xhamirah nooded agreeing with her big sister. Since childhood, she loves to see how parents cared for their kids since their parents died when she was just 10 years of age, and was basically raised by their head maid and Xhyrah herself.

Yes, conflicts happens within the family but it always ends in a closer relationship.

"It's nice and indeed heartwarming. I rest my case," Nobara smiled contentedly with Yuji nodding beside her.

Xhamirah entwined her hand with Megumi who looked at her with a smile giving her hand a gentle squeeze.


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