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The night is young.

The air is crisp and cold that it bites the skin.

And yet Xhamirah and Xhyrah wasn't bothered as they sat at the balcony situated at the living room.

With just the steaming cups of tea on their hands, their glowing wings out in the open, the sisters were set for the night.

"How are things with Megumi?" questions Xhyrah rubbing her tummy gently, feeling her unborn child's power swirl within her.

With Gojo's power coursing through the baby's veins, she could sometimes feel pain, showing just how strong her husband's curse energy is.

Good thing her own powers stabilizes and balances everything or she would be lying on the bed all day.

"He's overprotective as you can see. Panicks over little things for me and checks on me every hour," Xhamirah answered before popping a mochi on her mouth and chewing with a frown.

Xhyrah raised an eyebrow smiling at her making the younger confused.


"He is just making sure you are in perfect health and condition. And how else can a man show his feelings other than expressing their love? And Megumi? Absolute green flag if you ask me," the fairy queen winked, a teasing smile curving up the corners of her lips.

Xhamirah nodded after pondering on it for a while.

"Now that you mention it, I do see that. Even though sometimes it's still irritating. But upto there."

The younger beamed when her sister ruffled her hair affectionately, then flicked her wings disrupting the fairy dusts.

"My brother in law does that too, giving you the same treatment. Even more so, that my niece is on the way."

Xhamirah placed her hand on her sister's small baby bump that Gojo absolutely loves holding.

Xhyrah nodded smiling, looking at her bump with eyes that only a mother can give her child.

"Tuna, tuna," hearing a frown in his voice, the sisters look back to see Toge with a pout on his lips making Xhamirah chuckle.

"Oh, sorry big brother! We thought you wanted to sleep so we didn't call for you."

Toge huffed crossing his arms.

"Bonito flakes," he complained and this time the youngest fairy laughed.

"We are not disregarding you, how could we? Sorry though, hmm?" Xhamirah stood up to hug her brother who still pretended to have his feelings hurt.

"Oh c'mon Toge! You are a bad actor, stop it." Xhyrah tells their only brother who glared at her but she just responded with a chuckle.

And yet in no time, Toge was joining them for tea as they indulged themselves in hearty conversations, without having to think of adversaries and such.

For moments like this reminds them, there is always light in the darkness. And they wouldn't trade that for the world.

Gojo who had been listening for a while smiled to himself before turning in for the night first, with a happy sigh.


The chilly night was unforgiving even with the heater on.

Yet that is not what woke Gojo up, but the strong fairy powers he felt all around the estate.

How in the world is that happening when he was sure, there is no breach in their barrier so the fairy powers didn't come from the outside.

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