Chapter Twenty-Five: Floral Abyss

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Floral Abyss

Peering into the depths didn't reveal much beyond the first few steps inside. I can faintly see the long circular shape of the foyer area, the floor, and some walls looking like white marble with darker detailing...maybe gold? But if there's an axe murderer wandering around, I sure as hell can't tell.

Poking my head inside didn't do much either, so taking a cautious step -then another, only confirmed that there were no lights on. My eyes take a second or twelve to slightly adjust to the dark. Didn't help much either. I only see shapes -which once again axe-murdery vibes- that didn't really point me in any direction. Well if this anything to go by...Bellasera would be up higher in the tower...

If only there is a convenient staircase and/or elevator (preferably elevator) that's going to drop down. Like now. Right now?


Well shit-stick.

I let out a breath, so far the plan has gotten me inside but it looks like it might be bit of a dead end at this rate. Not to mention Oz's clock is ticking and I wouldn't be surprised if X has this hour time limit counting down to the very nanosecond in that pretty head of his.

Lady has become my nightlight in the dark but her blue glow did not illuminate objects unless she was right next to it. I wonder how well she can see...

Enough. Room big. Cold stone that's alive...

The stone is alive? I touch a wall and give myself a moment of quiet. I feel something pulse under my fingers like a faint heartbeat in the smooth cold stone. I haven't felt anything like it since...since I touched the Fence of Bellasera.

Lights suddenly flickers on from random points of the room. Rather than the ceiling, the light sources are these golden lamps with crystal and frost glass shades giving off a soft golden glow. Each of these light stands had a bouquet of red flowers tied to them. The flowers are still fresh as if they had only been placed there a minute ago. But I have a feeling that they're tied to the Tower. Speaking of... now that I can see, I see that the marbling in the walls, floor and ceiling are veins of gold. Light white curtains hang from the ceiling, accompanied by golden accents and more red flowers. Inspecting the flowers more closely, they appear to be a mix of roses, lilies, hibiscus, and peonies. A red carpet with gold edging took up much of the floor. I could see an obvious detail; the golden veins of the entire structure seem to lead towards the far end of the room from the front doors and formed a doorframe of intricate detailing.

I slowly walk over to it, knowing I have nothing else to go on... Hell, doorways made of stone aren't the weirdest thing I've experienced. It probably would have been easier to find if it had a giant neon sign that says 'this way'. Wouldn't that be nice. Oh and an elevator.

...I'm going to have to touch the doorway aren't I?

I must have let out a noise of frustration as X stares at me directly rather than his usual inner-world viewing. I reflexively give him a reassuring half-smile as an apology. Instead of reassuring him that I'm a-ok, he instead wraps his arms around my shoulder from behind, leaning his head into the crook of my neck. Is he pouting? I let out a breath, feeling that using my voice was wrong in this situation. Why is he upset...? Oh...I let go of his hand when I touched the wall before...I feel my face burn all the way to my ears. He's so...adorable...

Ah focus!

I begin to reach for this 'doorway' but feel X pull me just short of the wall, my fingertips stopping short. This is probably the first time in a while that I've seen him sulking. With my other hand, I give his arms a quick pat before gripping one of them as an anchor in return. I force myself forward. As I touch the wall, I'm drawn forwards into the familiar dark that seems to encompass the golden egg of a Tower's interior.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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