Chapter Six: Monsters and Shit

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The wonderful drawing was done by shadowwings8810 :) Thank you


Chapter Six: Monsters and Shit

"Do you have any idea on just what you have done?" As Siem was firmly growling at us, my head didn't lift from staring at the suddenly fascinating carpet under my feet. Fuck my life. "You could have very well jeopardised yourselves and in turn everyone else."

"Nothing happened. We got some takeaway and went to the park. The end," Seth replies back lazily.

"It's not 'the end'. You could have been targeted and now there might be more substantial evidence for the city council to look into Kae's existence and start asking me questions."

"Pssh. Oz would have seen and deleted the evidence if there were any. Besides, just do what you usually do and bullshit your way through Yue's questions. You are staring to offend me with your lack of faith in me. We were careful, Kae got some much needed fresh air, what's wrong with that? You put me in charge of his wellbeing and I did just that."

Siem went into stone cold silence and I sneak a peek at his face and saw the frosty glare aimed straight at Seth's nonchalant one. "You went out without permission, Seth."

"Not like it's my first time doing it and besides you wouldn't have given us any in the first place. 'Tis easier to seek forgiveness rather than permission' as they say. Now if you'll excuse me, I gonna go look for a nice quiet corner before Oz comes looking for me to grill my hide. Seeya, kid." Seth makes for the door as if nothing was wrong.

"If you knew it will piss off your brother and myself, why don't you avoid these very situations?"

"Where's the fun in that?" and with that, he disappeared behind the whoosh door, leaving me alone with the angry bear.

Siem flops down tiredly in his chair before looking up at me, "At least tell me you enjoyed his so called excursion."

"It was ok." For a flying car joyride around a futuristic city and holograms, I mean.

"And are you feeling refreshed?"

"I wouldn't say 'refreshed'. But it was better than been holed up in your basement for the last few weeks."

Siem actually grins and for once I could see just how tired he is, "The city does not have the functionality to process anything different from what it has. This technologically heavy city is its wonderment and its crutch."

"Are the other Cities like this one?"

"Yes and no. One thing that is different is that no matter what time of year it is, the weather patterns remain stagnant like it cannot move on from the feeling of monsoonal summers. The humidity is irritating. It's kind of a metaphor in a way. The city cannot get over itself....and if anything major happens, well 'panic' is too subtle to describe it."

"Hence the reason why you hide away anything 'weird' or anything that doesn't match its tastes?"

"Sort of. Yue is the Bolin's Leader. She asks way too many questions and favours of me. Of us, I should say. I need to always be a step ahead of her, making sure that the out of her box problems don't appear too quickly on her radar."


"She is he public image of Bolin. She needs to appear as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening. That can only be done if she appears 'clean' to the population."

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