Chapter Four: Fast Food

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A/N: ...Been a while...sorry...(╥﹏╥)

Some stuff irl happened and yeah....

I was sick for 7 weeks, work was disastrous and I lost my writing mojo for a while...

ahem yeah

Anyway, update!

Song: Two Suns - Tor (CloZee Remix)


Chapter Four: Fast Food

I give a dead glare as I'm asked to breathe in as deeply as I can, hold it for a few seconds and then let it out again. Even with the pain killers flooding my veins, I still feel my ribs protesting at the movement.

"Stop sulking," Seth nudges my shoulder as he commands me to breathe again.

"I'm getting cabin fever," I grumble.

I've been here for god knows how long. X went off on a "secret mission" that he hasn't come back from for -Hours? Days? -I don't have a clue.

"We can go for another walk," Seth offers.

I shake my head, standing up, "Thanks but...I need fresh air." When was the last time I even felt the sun?

I haven't heard anything back from Oz either. I guess I'm on edge.

When am I not on edge?

More on edge than normal then.

I let out a breath, ignoring the routine that I was doing. "When's X gonna get back?"

Seth shrugs, "Sorry mate, Siem isn't exactly one to spew all his little secrets unless you're directly involve at the time."

"Aren't you a hacker?"

He grins, "Barking up the wrong tree. Oz is the one who created the system for Siem and he's made a deal that I get his car for keeps if I ever break his codes."


"Does it look like I own the car?"

Not helping.

"Not like it stops me from joyriding." Something suddenly brightens up on his face. "Hey, there's an idea!" He then switches this hopeful face to mine, "Let's take the car out for a spin!"

Say what?

He walks out into the tunnels, towards what I would guess be the elevator. I stand there like an idiot for a second before walking after him, Lady not far behind me.

'Where go?' She asks, keeping just a step in beside me.

I dunno...Seth is showing me the sky, I guess...?

She seemed to like the idea but when she sensed that it meant flying, she snorted and I felt her stop in her tracks, 'Lady wants no part in sky flight...Lady will explore dark caves...see if another way out can be seen.'

I look back at her, 'Why?'

'Better to know all exits...cannot rely on human contraptions all the time, Dreamer.' The then look at me keenly, "Dreamer go. Might be...' She sent a sensation of a breeze that made her feel giddy and happy.

'Refreshing', I gave her the word for it.

" 'Refreshing'...Dreamer go.' She nudges me walks passed me, going deeper into the tunnels. 'Lady here when return. Tell Lady what above looks like when Dreamer comes back. Lady will tell what dark caves look like. Two places...more ground covered...Go on...' With that that, she disappeared into the dark. I felt a little puzzled as I went in the opposite direction...even Lady is feeling a little riled up since I described to her the dream and the warning that came with it...

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