Chapter Eight: Willing Madness

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A/N: a little more fluff mixed in 



Chapter Eight: Willing Madness

Even though I've asked X repeatedly to let go and get in the shower, I was stuck with him clinging to me and I could tell he was slowly dozing off with his arms still tightly wrapped around my waist. I think I now know what cats feel like when they're held on the wrong way by two-year-old's. My ass is going numb from the ground as well but he refused to budge.

I let out a sigh and look up at Lady, trying to distract myself instead, 'Any luck on your end?'

'There are,' she flashes three dark tunnels in my mind. 'Three...three that lead to up. All tightly shut with circles on them.' She let the image of the heavy metal sealed round hatch doors flood my mind with intricate detailing, showing me that they were pressurised and the door would be heavy to lift. 'Open still inside of human den.'

Nothing leads outside? They really don't want anything to do with the other side of the Fence...which makes me question where all their rubbish goes...

They've changed the city in such a way that the only way out is up and out with the Tower's permission. We were in a fish bowl. I suddenly feel a little more claustrophobic now that I know we were in a trap.

'Must be another way out...'

Humans can be a little stupid when they think they have all the answers.

'Cannot leave everything to that weird black tree,' She retorts. 'Bad. Taste bad. Smell bad,' Her lip twitches as we both recall the Tower.

And I think she's right, there has to be another way's probably some secret trap door that only Siem knows about and he ain't gonna tell me that easily.

So we've met a dead end.

I lean back further into X.

'What about sky?' Lady pushes her face into my lap and I automatically started petting her, feeling her soft black fur with the familiar glowing blue stripes. I recall as much as I could of the day but I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings as much as I had hoped. But Lady's interest was in the island.

'Appear when tower appear? Tower make stuff?'

'I don't really know what they are.' They just randomly appeared in some cities all over the world and then next we had the Fence walls go up and shut us out permanently for years.

'Sounds strange,' she purrs. 'Unnatural. Unwanted. Unfair.'

Are you just listing words now?

She huffs at me but didn't move her head, instead her eyes shut and her mind was becoming more still, going off to sleep.

I'm literally trapped between a crushing wall at my back and a tiger in my lap...Don't go off to sleep as well.

'Not sleep...shut eyes...comfortable.'

'That is going to 'sleep', Lady.'

'Oh...' She really didn't care as she shift her feet to the side, her tail swishing as she got comfortable. Before long, she left me alone as she went to dreamland.

How the fuck did she get to sleep so fast? It's a little unfair.

I slightly tip my head back to try and get a look at X, who's been using my shoulder as a pillow for a while now. Sure enough, his eyes were shut but he wasn't asleep.

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