Chapter Seventeen: Rain in Heaven

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 A/N: Heyo...I think I might have skipped out on a lot of detail with this chapter

...but  ┐('∀`)┌

Song: chouwa oto ~with reflection~ by KOKIA 

from the movie Origin: Spirits of the Past 

It's not the full version but this start of the movie had a resounding impact on me...even though a lot of people don't like the was a big contributor for me to try my hand at writing post-apocalyptic/dystopian stories


Chapter Seventeen: Rain in Heaven

I feel like I'm walking through déjà vu. I went back ten years, watching the world collapse again. Screaming, anger, terror and the raw fear enraptures the very air of this city. It stings as I walk out from the abandoned reception room on the ground floor and out the clear glass doors that were the final barrier from reality and its collapse.

The streets marred with smoke and fire, the crash of water in the distance drowned out by the crumbling buildings and the Sprite taking a leisurely stroll down the centre of a major street on a few streets up. The fucker was huge, like I was staring at the Iron Giant Sirens and gun fire clash with the screeches of the Hexers and the Miasmic storm, all mixing together like a melancholic song that meant nothing but death.

I had no way of knowing where X would have gone but I ran down the street in front of me, heading in the same direction as the big guy. He was a massive target and something the I'm hoping X would follow. People are still running around in fear and terror and I was an observer. An outsider. Though the panic driven screams in my direction made me remember that no one would be used to Lady. Everyone else would see her as another beast roaming the streets.

"Noisy. Scary. Bright. Foolish." She half trots beside me. Though the 'foolish' bit was directed at me.

I wanted to quip back at the jab but the sound of a building crumbling in on itself like a Jenga tower made my mind blank instead. I watch one of the high-rise apartment complexes just collapse, smoke and dust curling out like the ground sucked it up. And the noise was deafening. The debris causes several car crashes and the packed traffic panics. More bodies scramble onto the streets, running in terror and reckless abandon.

High above in the Viking's building, I felt a detachment from everything below, like watching a painting...on fire... But here on the was an apathy of walking through a park...on fire. But for all of the mayhem...I felt it's missing something. Like a silence before the storm. Miasmic beasts began to swell the city, running through with bigger numbers, a myriad of beasts warped by shadow and crystal, accompanying their forerunner down the streets towards the tower. The Hexers causing more chaos in their wake like a slow-moving force; like tar, filling the streets with another type of toxicity. It was choking and maddening.

Sweet, sweet. Oh where is the sweet melody? Darkening. Maddening. Sing my lullaby!

Oh shut up. I press a hand on the building pressure behind my eyes as a scream pulls me jarringly back to reality.

Looking up, I see a woman scrambling back from her partner or friend who was hanging their neck awkwardly to the side, staring at her while mouth dripping with the blood of someone's freshly torn out throat hanging down like missed food. The body twitching in a pool of blood at their feet. She runs away while the madden sunken eyes follow and the teeth part with an unnatural noise escaping to signal the start of a chase.

My heart does a somersault in my ribcage as a heavy mass lands directly in front of me. It was a person. Landed awkwardly on the pavement, their joints spread at impossible angles and their dead face with a manic smile plastered across it. The crazy suicides...

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