Chapter Eighteen: Devil's Playground

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A/N: Soooooo hi

I've also attached a clip of singing ice if anyone is interested


Chapter Eighteen: Devil's Playground

The world fell silent in a split second.

As if the world inhaled with bated breath.

One second. Two seconds...

The debris explodes in all directions as if flung apart carelessly like ash to the wind.

In the centre, of metal, glass and concrete was something to be described as a demon.

The expected mangled body of a late teenaged boy was instead a fully standing amalgamation of human and monster. As if someone had taken a dragon skeleton and fused segments of it onto his body...or rather it had emerged and melded within flesh.

Two horns emerged from the mess of hair at the top of his skull. The jet-black twin spiral horns had two gentle twists each and gleamed like crystal even in the overcast sun. Some of the exoskeleton could be seen running down and mixing with vine like marking down his neck and along his shoulders, stopping at the elbow where elongated demon arms emerge. The long slender pointed fingers look like they could shred through metal like paper.

From the base of his skull a long spine-like structure made form the same black crystal stuck out along his own spine, all the way down the middle of his back and ending in a whip like tail that was longer than his own body. His legs were also transformed completely. Even with the fragments of cloth just barely holding onto his hips couldn't hide the spines and demonic appearance that was once human skin. The bones had elongated and stretched, ending in dragon feet.

And the deep golden eyes stare blankly up to the sky, the familiar black sclera making the striking contrast, as if his irises were glowing.

His attention refocuses on the Sprite that had now stopped its pursuit so completely to look back down at him, hunching over to get a better look. As if it had eyes.

Kae reaches out one hand, as if to touch the Sprite's head and the undercurrent of raw fear and rage quells instantly. So unnaturally and unnervingly so. Like hearing the forgotten song of ice deep within the tundra's husk.

But this moment wouldn't last. As it was but bittersweet ephemeral.

"Move, Kae!" X calls out desperately. 

As the Dream Eater's outstretched fingers almost brush the face of the giant that had crouched to the tiny figure, the shrieking whistle of a fast approaching projectile cuts through and hits into the side of the Sprite with a thud on a hammer hitting stone. The Sprite partially jerks to the side, it's head awkwardly moves with the force. As the dust clears, The Dream Eater sees that something was now embedded in the joint of the neck and shoulder rocks, that was held together by the visible ethereal blue miasma.

But the clear blue soul-like magic turned a painful and sickening red. The Sprite screams out in agony then primordial rage. It was infected and unreachable now. It immediate stands, unable to hear or see the Dream Eater and moves to attack everything around it.

That putrid light and smell was like the twisted things that humans called Hexers, the Dream Eater observes with a click of his tongue. The soldiers watch him in stunned silence as he stares up at the Sprite that was charging and attacking everything blindly. A series of buildings shatter and break apart with billowing smoke and debris. Crumpling under the shear force the giant left in its wake.

But as soon as one of the soldiers blink, the demon was gone. As if it was a figment of their imagination, just as Subject Ten was also missing.

Dream Eater emerges instantly in front of the giant rock, standing in the middle of a major five lane street as if the block its path. The Giant roars at him and makes a charge, pulling a massive arm back to squash his tiny frame into the asphalt. But all the demon did was reach a hand out again and as soon as the talon fingertips touch the stone, the Giant froze in place.

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