Chapter Ten: No Rest for The Wicked

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Chapter Ten: No Rest for The Wicked

Level twenty-fucking-five was glitter.

Some weird syrupy glue-water filled with all different colours shimmering through it. Which went awesomely with the other concoctions that bastard had made up. I feel like unicorn vomit.

I thought I was mad with the egg yolk and milk...but was mixing with something on me and I could feel it solidifying on my skin like concrete plaster and I knew it was going to hurt trying to get it off my skin. I don't want to enter the world of waxing hair off my body.

As the last balloon left Rain's hand, Seth called for a stop, as it solidly lands on my cheek in a spray of clear shimmery rainbow across my face, tinted white by the other shit getting into my eyes that I couldn't shake away. It tasted putrid and I had to spit to get it out of my mouth but the taste was still there...along with the chili sauce and wasabi water from one of the other times...I think it was from throw fifteen...

"Alright, let's call it off for now," Seth grins as he slowly walks up to me. "Thanks for the unless you wanna help clean, I suggest-"

"-Bye!" The shorts-haired girl whips before turning on her heel.

"-No thanks," Mist also chorused and followed the girl.

...And the Grinch just silently exits behind them. Well at least he isn't saying anything mean.

I glare up at Seth and that goddam amused look on his face, "I'm going to kill you."

"I'd like to see you try," he still grins as he reaches into his pants pocket for a knife before going behind the pole to cut the middle of the zip ties that have long bitten into my wrists and ankles as I had tried struggling out of them when he brought in the soft drinks ones that were still (somehow) completed carbonated and the fizz went up my nose...and then down through my nose when it went in my mouth. ...Then the ice water ones...condiments...and I had never been so thankful to have warm coffee thrown at me before in my entire life until "level eleven" existed.

As the plastic was cut, my arms fell lifelessly to my sides and I barely held onto my own weight under my buckling knees. Seth didn't hesitate to catch me, despite being this putrid mess.

"Go to the showers, I've made sure that there is enough soap," He pats my back once he was sure I was steady on my feet.

"Can I punch you?" I mumble back at him.

"Anytime, mate." He looks as though he was about to clean up the mess and I felt like there was an outline of my body on the pole. I was too angry to even look at the mess properly or care that it seems that he would be cleaning it up by himself. I even ignored Lady who was trying to ask me where I was going.

I stagger towards the changing rooms that I haven't visited for a while. In most cases it was stereotypical for any sort of communal changing rooms and showers. The wide and dimly lit room was covered in tiles and concrete that could be easily bleached and scrubbed. Lockers lined the walls and created six aisles in front of me with benches at the start and end of each aisle. I have a bet that every single locker represented (almost) every single person who was part of this fucking Siem cult. To the left was a wide doorway that led to changing cubicles and toilets, but I headed for the back of the room, passed the lockers towards the showers. Brightly lit like I was walking onto center stage...fuck my life.

I sat on the floor of the pool communal showers after turning on every single one of them on the three walls out of spite, hoping to use up all of the hot water. I didn't even strip off my clothes that were heavy and stuck to my skin. Angrily glaring at the lockers, I mentally logged away which one was Seth Black's to destroy later on. I haven't felt this miserable in a while. Despite all of that shit being lugged at my head, nothing happened on my end. Just feeling slimy, sticky and smell like weird pancake batter....and now I don't think I could ever enjoy pancakes ever again. Thanks assholes.

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