Chapter 19

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James had woken up. He was cold and shivered as he tried to warm himself. He could hear Ethan and Cassedee talking. He was determined to figure out a way to let Cassedee know who exactly Ethan was.

James rustled over slightly to try and get a better view. He had the sight of truth and could see everyone's intentions. Ethan's were of evil. He had been sent over here to lure them back to Mr. T.

James injected Cassedee's dreams warning her but Mr. T. was too powerful. He would block James's attempts--twisting the actual truth around. Cassedee now thought he was evil.

He would wait until they were both asleep to get Cassedee, but waiting for the right moment was key. If Mr. T. knew of his plans of escape, they would be trapped here forever.

Forever and ever.

James felt the weight on his shoulders. He needed to make up a plan. And fast. But how? How could he show Cassedee that Ethan was a lie? He didn't exist. Ethan was only projected in their world to gain their trust.

The camera placed in the woods for Nole. Mr. T. knew his curiosity would get the better of him and his thirst to find out what happened to his great-grandfather.


James suddenly got sad. How could he save him too? Mr. T. had turned him into a beast--obeying everything and anything. It was too late for Nole, but James knew he had to try.

He would wait until the middle of the night to steal Cass away. He had to tell her what he knew but she thought he was evil too. She thought he had changed like the others did. He was under a spell--how could he show her it was him? The real him?

James could feel his head pulsating as his thoughts swirled around. He was not going to get any sleep tonight. He pretended to close his eyes but he was listening.

James had seen it. The manor. It was falling apart but he thought he would try anyway. What's the worst that could happen? It looked abandoned. Nobody had been in it for years.

An old car sat rusting away in the driveway. The vines in the ground roping itself around the old bits of metal.

It had been owned by a Lord back in the seventieth century. Grand parties had taken place here. It had been passed down from generation to generation. James remembered hearing that somewhere from someone in town.

Nobody knows why or what happened to the great-great grandson of the Lord but as legends go, he disappeared on the night of the party. Along with all the other party guests, Emily included.

James remembers trying to walk towards the manor but being shocked by lightning every time he made an attempt. He touched it with his fingertips-it was electric. He walked all the way around the manor, trying to locate an entryway.

It was a forcefield. Why would anyone need to protect this old thing? James poked it again with his fingertip, willing the forcefield down. It didn't work.

James remembered it--he had the sight of truth. He stood in front of the invisible wall and put his fingers on it. He could feel the vibration--it still shocked him. He put some of his weight on it and could feel the energy pulsating.

How was he supposed to get through? He took a step back and collected his thoughts. Think, James. Think.

Suddenly, he realized it. He closed his eyes and took several steps forward. He opened one and looked down--his foot was between the line of the forcefield. He asked the energy to reveal the truth to him. It refused.

He tried again, this time more forceful. He sensed its resilience. James pleaded with the force and began to beg for it to open. This was an emergency.

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