Chapter 23

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James pretended to move toward the door, looking back ever so often at Nole. Nole stood there, ushering them to move swiftly out the door. Cassedee glanced at James--a look of panic crossed his face. What would they do once they got to the door? Make a run for it? Pretend to leave?

Nole went in front of them and opened the door. "Here ya go. Now leave, before He comes back."

James gripped the door-handle. He knew something was about to happen. James grabbed Cassedee's hand and they started to make their way out the door. James stopped, only for a second before turning around and punching Nole right in the face. 

Cassedee let out a yelp. "James, why did you do that?" She said loudly. 

James looked at her, un-phased. "Because that wasn't the real Nole." 

He still had her hand as they ran down the hallway, not knowing which direction to go in. Panic washed over him as he could feel his pulse racing. His heart beat heavy in his chest as he felt his veins fill with warmth. 

James could hear their pummeling feet as they quickly darted back and forth, looking for a way out. There was no where. He could hear the grumbling of Nole--James knew he would come after them. He kept running. The hallway was dark with only a little bit of light coming from underneath the doors shown through. 

James's mind began to race. Where would they go? Who else would they run into? And why did Nole want them out? 

Cassedee suddenly stopped. "James, listen." They could hear music playing somewhere and laughter. Glasses clinking in the background. Swanky music. 

James stopped. He listened. He tried to figure out where the noise was coming from. 

Cassedee gripped his arm. He looked down and saw her small hand clenching his shirt sleeve. He tried not to smile, but he secretly liked it. This was the first time she had touched him and he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. 

Her hand was placed precariously on his chest, almost as if she were unsure she should even be doing what she was doing. She gave him a half smile and her eyes glitched. Her hand went down to his and he let her. She inter-twined her fingers with his and left them there for a few seconds. 

All those times he wondered if she felt anything. Worrying about how she felt about him. Overthinking everything she said or what she did. Now he knew. This feeling was indescribable.  She let go of his hand and looked at him seriously for a second. For a moment, he forgot they were in this miserable place, battling this ancient monster. Trying to save all of those who disappeared. 

"James, what if its another trap?" Her voice got quiet and he slowly put his arms around her. He brought her close to him and he could feel his hands wander to her face. He stroked her cheek and gazed into her eyes. There was a connection, he could feel it and he knew that she felt it too. 

James placed his hand over hers and kissed her fingers. "We'll just have to take that chance, I guess."

James kept holding her hand. "Come on, let's see if we can find out where all the disappeared are." 

They made their way down the hallway, being pulled in the direction of some noise. James realized it was music playing. He looked at Cassedee, unsure if they should go toward it. He then looked down at himself realizing he was horribly underdressed. He had on jeans, converse and a sweatshirt with a backwards baseball hat. His glasses started to fog up from his breathing and he quickly wiped them off. 

Cassedee was  no better. She had on a gray sweater, jeans and sneakers. At least she was decent. 

"We can't go in looking like this. We'll stick out like sore thumbs." Cassedee glanced down at her clothes. "What's wrong with this?" 

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