Chapter 22

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The smell was overwhelming. At least for Cassedee. She didn't know what was worse. James being an emotional mess or the putrid smell from inside the manor. She wished she could just go back to normal. But everything was different now. Ethan was a lie and Nole was gone. She dared to say the word dead. She shuttered at the thought.

She looked at James who was hiding behind a corner--watching the party guests.

He looked at her. "What are we supposed to do? Just go in there and act like we're a part of it?"

She shrugged. "What else are we going to do? We can't go back, there's nothing to go back to. The answers lie in here, James. We have to find other Emily. We have to find the townspeople. You said it yourself, you saw them go in here." 

James considered this. "Yeah, I did. But what if Mr. T--"

"Comes back..."

He trailed off. 

They had to think of a better plan. He knew this. James paused again, this time contemplating on what they should do.

James swallowed and looked at Cassedee. "Here goes nothing."

He started walking slowly and motioned for Cassedee to follow him. She got up, hesitating.

"What if we get caught? What if Mr. T. comes back?" 

She squared her shoulders.

"What if he does come back, James."

His eyes twitched. 

"Yeah, what if."

Cassedee's expression got serious but she rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"He doesn't know who he's messing with." She raised an eyebrow,

James nodded. "Come on, let's go."

He motioned for her to follow him towards the noise of the party.

Cassedee crept with him as they made their way down the hallway. 

It was dark and pictures lined each side of the wall. A large chandelier hung in the middle section of the ceiling.

James looked around for a light but there were none.

"Stay close to me. Here, take my hand." He extended it out to her in the darkness. She grabbed it. There was a spark and she felt it. She wondered if he felt it too.

James gripped her hand tight as they made their way down the dark hallway.

There was chatter at the end and James tried quieting his footsteps.

He stopped. A shadow figure emerged from the darkness and started to make its way towards them. 

He panicked and glanced at Cassedee for an escape.

She motioned with her chin to a closet. 

James snuck hurriedly to it and swiftly moved in.

It was a small closet and they were even closer then ever.

Cassedee's eyes shifted to his and they looked at each other.

Their hands were still intertwined. James felt the warmth of Cassedee's palm.

James peered from the crack in the door as the shadow figure moved to a different hallway. 

"Okay, I think the coast is clear." he whispered.

They slowly snuck out of the closet and towards the long hallway. Knight armor stood at each entrance--almost guarding the doorway. James swore he felt eyes on them as they moved brisky down the dark hallway.

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