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"Hey, hey, hey, can you stop? Tell me about your incident, not about the man's beauty," Rooh said, reminding her.

"Oh yeah, so let me tell you. So yesterday when I went to my cousin's place and from there, we went to Silver Arcade-" Amara said, remembering.


"Eva, I'll be right back in just a minute," Amara said to her cousin, who nodded at her. She then went towards the washroom.

As she was already in a drunken state, it got worse when, instead of going to the washroom, she went towards the dance floor.

"Why am I here?" she said to herself, her eyes in a slit opening.

"Hey," a manly voice reached her ears.

"Hey," she replied back.

"What are we doing here?" another manly voice reached her ears, and it seemed to be the first man's friend.

"I'll be right back," the first one replied to the other one. Both of them were artistic and seemed to be Indian, well-dressed, with a little bit of mustache, appearing as perfect gentlemen.

"Would you like to have a dance with me?" the man asked her, placing his hand in front of him. As she was already drunk, she didn't give it much thought and nodded, placing her palm over his.

God knows when from the dance floor they reached the bar.

"Can you stop drinking? I don't even know who you are. Are you here with someone like a friend or something?" the man asked, persistently trying to stop her from taking one more shot. But she took six more, saying "last one."

"Y-ou kn-ow you are so beautiful," she said, gleaming her gummy smile at him cheekily, which somehow fluttered the man's heart.

But soon, someone from the back unknowingly pushed her towards the man's chest, and accidentally her lips touched his.

He was parting away, but she cupped his cheeks with both of her hands and kissed him passionately, making him widen his eyes.

Flashback ended:

"So this is how I lost my first kiss," she said, looking down on her lap, fidgeting with her fingers, trying to convey more in her sentence. "But somehow I don't regret it; I don't know why."

"What? First, you kissed a random total stranger, and now you don't even regret losing your first kiss," Rooh said, not getting her. She was hell confused as to why Amara was feeling like this. Did she perhaps fall for the man?

She didn't want to wait long and asked herself, "Answer me honestly. Did you somehow fall for him like love at first sight or something?" she asked hesitatingly, hoping it wouldn't be what she thought.

"Hey, you can't say it's love at first sight or something for the man I don't even know the name of and would probably never meet again. But yeah, I mean, it can be termed as, you know, like attraction at first sight or something," She said, blinking her eyes rapidly to escape from Rooh's piercing gaze at her.

"Amara!" Rooh exclaimed shaking her head sideways,as she didn't know what more to add to her sentence.

"Please don't say it as if 'you can't handle me more,' " She said, squealing.

Amara didn't know how to react to Rooh's preceding questions, and as for Rooh, she didn't know what to say because it was a 50/50 situation. Amara was and was not at fault, so she decided not to talk about this topic over and over again and bury it here itself.

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