✨️The Start of an adventure✨️

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So here I am, in my room listening to Billie Eilish and drawing the night away. My partner Max was away but he was coming back for sophomore year so I was quite glad I had the break from him.

I looked out the window and I noticed my dad leaving for work in a slight hurry. I counted in my head how long it took for Stiles to appear, which wasn't long as by the count of three my door flung wide open." Hey Esme!" Stiles calls out." Yes?" I asked him with a look." Coming with me?" Stiles questions with a smile.

"Fine, where are we going?" I sighed, grabbing my satchel and headphones." To Scott's then the woods," Stiles grins." This hasn't got anything to do with Dad rushing off. Does it?" I asked him with a look." Might do?" Stiles says with a smile." He's gonna kill you," I said simply." I know," Stiles smirks.

We headed on down to Stiles's Jeep and made our way to Scott's house, which was five minutes away from our house, and Stiles looked at me, then the porch roof." Oh no, you can go ahead and get him by yourself," I said, shaking my head.

"I'm not climbing up on his porch roof. That's for your dumbass to do so scoot idiot," I said, pushing Stiles out of the jeep." Well, that was rude but fair enough," Stiles mutters as he walks off.

I don't do as stupid as Stiles does, and I already hurt myself enough without having to do it on accident, so I leave that up to Stiles to do. I look to see Scott coming out of the house with a bat and then Stiles scaring him and himself.

I leaned back and listened to my music whilst seeing the two talk before both made their way to the Jeep. Stiles climbed in as Scott did," Hey Esme," Scott greeted me, and I smiled at him," Hey you, ready for another one of Stiles's stupid ideas?" I chuckled." Always and hey, I got my favourite girl with me, so I'm alright, aren't I?" Scott chuckles.

I smiled, and we all headed to the woods. Scott keeps me close, and I end up leaning on his shoulder. He and Stiles don't know I self-harm or have an eating disorder at all as I'm quite clever about it, and I'm always covered up so they don't think anything of it. They have no idea that I'm in a toxic relationship with an abusive guy.


We pull up to the preserve sign and exit the jeep. Scott then complains not even one minute after arriving.

"Are we doing this?!" Scott says."Yep!" I said, smiling. "You're the one who bitches that nothing happens in this town!" Stiles says.

"You know I was hoping to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott tells Stiles. "Yeah, 'cause sitting on the bench is a gruelling effort," Stiles snarks."Stiles!" I warned him."Sorry," Stiles says sheepishly.

"No, because I'm making the first line in lacrosse, " Scott tells them."Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles says mockingly.

"So just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" I wondered moving on."Huh! I didn't even think about that." Stiles says with a smug smile on his face.

"And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Scott asks "It's - comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." I say as Stiles nods at me."I know." Stiles deadpans.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?"Scott says as he leans against a tree taking a puff of his inhaler."Scott, you doing okay?" I asked with concern laced in my voice. Scott nods and gives me a reassuring smile.

We turn to see flashlights ahead, and Stiles takes off running with me and  Scott running after us. Then Stiles grabs Scott and brings him to the ground.

These Battle Scars-Teen Wolf 🐺 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin