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Everyone went their own way. Derek and Scott chased after the Kanima or should I say, Jackson. Allison took a very confused Lydia home and Stiles and I headed home. I stayed in bed whilst Stiles helped Scott out.

I curled into bed and watched The Conjuring and other horror films. Max messaged me saying he's gonna come for me tomorrow evening and I'm staying at his for the next few days.

"I'm going to die," I gulped and I made sure my box was visible to my dad, Scott, and Stiles.


The next morning, I woke up with text messages from Stiles and I was not surprised by the content of the messages.

Found Jackson, he tried to kill Danny.

Kidnapped Jackson

That explains a lot.

Meet me in the woods.

Well, I'm not going to school today as got to go help Stiles. Nothing new there then.


I headed off to the woods and followed a pathway to Stiles and found a van parked up and it was a county Sheriff's van. Seriously Stiles! Dad gonna kill you. I get closer to the van and I hear Jackson and Stiles's conversation.

"Scales? Like a fish?" I hear Jackson say from inside the van."No, more like a reptile," Stiles says."Um, and, uh... your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people, and you have a tail." Stiles explains.

"I have a tail?" Jackson states in a bored tone of voice."Yeah, you have a tail." Stiles says."Mmm. Does it do anything?" Jackson asks.

"No, not that I know of," Stiles tells him."Can I use it to strangle you?" Then I hear chains rattling.

"Yeah, you still don't believe me. All right. The night of the semi-final game-- what did you do right after?" Stiles questions

"I went home." Jackson says."Are you sure about that?" Stiles questions."Yes, you idiot! What the hell else would I do?" Jackson asks.

"You attacked me, Esme, and Derek, at the school, and you trapped us in the pool!" Stiles tells him."You also killed a mechanic-- right in front of me, by the way, that was lovely," Stiles says  sarcastically."And, one of Argent's Hunters. Oh, and last night, you tried to kill Danny." Stiles tells him.

"Why would I want to kill my best friend?" Jackson asks."Well, that's what Scott's out trying to figure out now," Stiles says

"Mmm. Well, maybe, he should be
trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses to jail!" Jackson yells.

"All right, well, tell me this-- on the night of the first full moon, what happened?"Stiles asked."Nothing-- nothing happened," Jackson says

I took this as my cue to knock on the door and Stiles opened it. "You seriously kidnapped him. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I said hitting my head on the metal door.

"I had nothing to do with this," I said to Jackson. He nods. Stiles then gets out of the van and speaks to me."This I want no credit for and no involvement with it at all." I make it clear to him.

"Fine," Stiles says. Stiles gets out Jackson's phone and texts his parents to inform them he is alright. I looked to see Allison arriving so I snarked her."Hunter's daughter," I snarked.

"Oh, my God," Stiles says alarmed to see her."They know." She says."What?" I asked."They know Jackson's missing." Allison points out.

"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They don't have a clue." Stiles tells her."My grandfather told me his parents went to the police-- they know," Allison says.

These Battle Scars-Teen Wolf 🐺 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें