🐺Hanging out with the boys🐺

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I'm heading to school and I just found out that a liver has been stolen by someone who I saw at the graveyard with Issac.

Scott joins us and he immediately hugs me and nuzzles against my neck."She ate the liver?" Scott asks sceptically."Eww gross." I shuddered at this.

"No, I didn't say she ate it-- I just said it was missing."Stiles says."And, you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body," Stiles commented.

"I never ate anyone's liver." Scott says in agreement."Yeah, right. 'Cause, when it comes to Werewolves, you are a real model of self-control." Stiles sarcastically says."Actually, wait-- hold on. You are the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you," Stiles says.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks."I mean, like, what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?" Stiles questions him

"Originally Allison but Esme has always been on my mind," Scott says looking at me." I'm glad I am, you need someone who isn't going to kill you," I joked making Scott shove me gently.

"Okay, nothing else? Seriously?" Stiles asked."Nothing else mattered." Scott says with a smile."But, no, that's good, though, right? 'Cause the night that Lydia was bitten, she was with you." Scott says to Stiles.

"Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson," Stiles says sadly." You know that she's just a devil in disguise right?" I mutter. Just then Jackson turns up and we head off to the locker room.


We get to the locker room and I hide behind Scott and Stiles so the coach doesn't yell at me."Let's go! I have an announcement! Gather 'round!" Coach says. The team gathers, "Quicker! Danny put a shirt on," Coach yells.

"Stilinski! That means you! Let's go, gather 'round!" Coach shouts as the team stands by him."Listen up-- police are asking for help on a missing child advisory," Coach informs them.

"It's a sick girl roaming around totally naked." Coach dramatically says."Now, it's supposed to get below forty degrees tonight. I don't know about you, but the last time it was that cold and I was running around naked," Coach says.

"I lost a testicle to exposure! Now, I don't want the same thing happening to some innocent girl." Coach says "So, police are organizing search parties for tonight. Sign up, find the missing girl, and you get an automatic "A" in my classes." The coach bribes the team.

The team began to sign the signup sheet and I made my way over to Jackson and the lads."If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods, why should I care?" Jackson snidely says.

"Because we have a pretty good idea that she might be you know turning," Scott says carefully. "Turning?" Jackson says."Yeah turning," Scott tells him.

"Into?" Jackson says "A unicorn. What do you think, dumbass?" Stiles says sarcastically. "Well, I think that if Lydia's turning, she's not the only one that's gonna need help." Jackson points out.

"What do you mean?" Scott questions."Oh, God. You've got it all backwards, McCall," Jackson says."When I was with Lydia, you should have seen the scratch marks she left on me."Jackson says.

"What do you think she's gonna do with a set of real claws?" Jackson smirks"Heh." Jackson scoffs and then leaves.

"Oh, Esme, you shouldn't be here with them, Max won't like this," Jackson says with an evil glint in his eyes." Yeah let him try and I'll hurt him," Scott threatens getting by my side.

I gulp and my anxiety hits the roof  as I know Allison and Jackson have ratted me out already to him." I should go," I say softly and I left the room." Es-" Scott says but I've already the room.


We get to chemistry class and I sit beside Scott as Stiles is behind us and Harris gives us a pop quiz with deep joy(!) Note the sarcasm."All right, it's causing me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right," Stiles tells us

"I know," Scott answers."What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?" Stiles questions.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." Harris snarkily says."Can you do that?" Stiles asks

"Well, there it is again. Your voice-- triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently." He says. "I'll see you at three o'clock for detention," Harris says.

Scott looks around as I do."You too, Mr. McCall? Miss Stilinski" Harris asks."No, sir," Scott says."No, thank you," I muttered.

I'm at home and I'm watching a movie and eating more food as I want to eat more again, so I decided to make a food plan and stick to it and try new foods.

I hear a knock on the door and I look up to see Scott standing there with a smile on his face with food." Same mind work alike right?" He says holding a pizza box." What are you doing here? I thought Allison had her aunt's funeral?" I asked him.

"Like I'm going to go there when my favourite girl needs me more," Scott tells me as he joins me in bed and we eat the pizza as Stiles enters the room." What now?" I asked with a look." Apparently, an ambulance has been attacked blood everywhere," Stiles says.

"I'm not interested in a bitch life, so if you two want to help her out? Go! I'm staying right here! I don't want to care about her, Allison or Jackson they can burn in hell!" I snapped for the first time.

Scott puts his hands on my shoulders, "Hey Shh! It's alright, I know they are involved we won't make you be around them," Scott says softly." Go and help them out and come back! find her and then walk away," I tell them both." Got it, bye Es," Scott says kissing my cheek and Stiles hugs me.

I'm now curled up into my bed and I almost fall asleep when I feel the bed dipping and I see Scott beside me." All sorted?" I asked softly.

"She's been found, and I just witnessed an Omega death by the Argents hand," Scott says softly."That's awful, you need to be more careful from now on okay?" I said softly

"No wolfing out no nothing lay low for a while," I said softly smiling at him and I kissed his cheek. Scott nuzzles into my touch and ends up scent-marking me and providing comfort to me and himself.

I enjoyed being with the boys and Issac with no Max around but I think I'm in for it when he returns as I have just received a text from him saying he knows I've been with them and he's not happy with me at all."I'm so dead," I gulped at the threatening message.


This chapter is done ✔️ The Next chapter involves a lot of domestic violence and abuse!! So don't be shocked as I'm warning you now!

How was this chapter?

Scott and Esme for the win?!

How cute is Esme with Scott and Issac?

Have we noticed something about how Esme and Scott are getting closer?

Are we glad Scott isn't leaving Esme alone anymore?

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