🐺Attracting the alpha attention🐺

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I headed to Max's House to face my punishment for what the boys did as I said I'd do anything to stop him from ruining Melissa and my dad's career.

I know I'm gonna be abused and potentially have broken bones but for my family, my loved ones I'll do it twice for them.

⚠️TW- Domestic violence and Abuse skip if uncomfortable!

I get to his door and Max rips the door open pulls me into his chest and shoves me hard on the ground." So your brother and his friend are getting smart huh?" Max smirks evilly." Well looks like I need to up my game on you and leave permanent marks on you," Max says lowly.

I whimpered in pain but sucked it up," This will teach you to tell my secrets to your worthless brother and friend," Max smirked and punched me in my stomach hard and beats me black and blue.

⚠️TW Ended!⚠️

I groaned in pain but I endured everything for those I love," Now get out of my sight,"' Max snapped and I left with my body bruised and in pain.


I was walking down the street when a familiar Jeep drove past me." Esme get in the car," Stiles says pleading with me. I looked at him and nodded before walking to the other side.

I saw Scott there and he immediately hugged me tightly I winced in pain. Scott looks me over," Esme please tell me he didn't," Scott says softly.

I looked down and leaned against the Jeep wall and Scott leaned against me and nuzzled against my neck." What are you two doing out anyways?" I asked softly.

"Going to the school and Scott going to call the alpha to prove Deaton isn't the Alpha to Derek," Stiles says."Oh lord, this is going to backfire on us isn't it?" I muttered lowly.

"Most likely but I got you," Scott says softly smiling at me. We head off to the school together and are ready to call the alpha together.

We get to the school and Stiles decides to speak up again."This is a terrible idea." Stiles points out."Yeah, I know," Scott says "But we're still gonna do it?" Stiles responds

"Can you think of something better?" Scott wonders."Well, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away." Stiles shrugs.

"Just make sure we can get inside." Scott points out. Stiles then pulls out a set of bolt cutters just as Derek pulls up his car.

"He's here," Scott says. The three of us look towards Derek and make our way to him."Where's my boss?" Scott asks."He's in the back," Derek says pointing to the back of his car.

Scott and Stiles look in the back and back at Derek."Oh, well, he looks comfortable," Stiles says."Wait- Hey. What are you doing?" Derek calls out to Scott and Stiles.

"You said I was linked with the Alpha-- I'm gonna see if you're right," Scott says walking to the school. I looked at Derek then Scott," Can you stay here and keep an eye on Deaton for me?" Scott asks gently.

"Alright I will," I said softly and Scott kissed my cheek and headed inside with Stiles. I stood by the Jeep and looked at the Camaro.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked me and I looked up at me. I nodded softly at him," Don't lie as I can tell you're not and I don't need to be a werewolf to know that," Derek said softly." I have to be for them," I said softly.

"That boy you're with get rid of, he's hurting you and it's not your fault Esme, you deserve better than him and he knows it and so do you," Derek says gently as he comes near me.

Before either one of us could speak sound came through the speaker and it was like a cat being dragged through a lawnmower sound came blasting through the speaker.

I burst out giggling."What was that!?" I asked through laughter."You've got to be kidding me," Derek says with an annoyed look

"Was that Scott?" I asked as Derek nodded in response. "Yep," Derek says.Then another howl came through only this time it was a deeper and louder howl.

It makes the ground shake causing me to hold on to Derek's arms tightly. Stiles and Scott come out two minutes later with a smug look on their faces.

"I'm gonna kill both of you!"Derek says furiously."What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?" he asked angrily.

"Sorry, I didn't know it would be that loud, "Scott tells him sheepishly."Yeah, it was loud and it was AWESOME!" Stiles says excitedly

"Shut up," Derek says."Don't be such a sour wolf!" Stiles mocks Derek and Scott turns to look atthe car."What'd you do with him?" Scott asks.

"What?" Derek says at the same time as me.We all look to see the car door open and no Deaton."He didn't do anything," I said."I didn't do anything," Derek says getting cut off.

We all see the alpha standing behind Derek claws impaled into his chest as the alpha throws him across the parking lot.

I screamed and Stiles ran to pull me and we ran back into the school. We called the alpha and now we had to deal with the consequences.

This chapter is done ✔️ Night school is up next👀 interesting things happening next chapter👀

How was this chapter?

Ready for night school?

Esme will be doing the music for the formal!

These Battle Scars-Teen Wolf 🐺 Where stories live. Discover now