⏳️Captured and Locked away⏳️

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We were still bound and we heard the door to the basement door opening. A nameless hunter forces Stiles down the steps into the Argent’s basement.

"Ow, ow!Ow! Ow!" We hear Stiles's voice. I decide to make a noise and the light comes on.

It's Stiles, he sees me, Boyd and Erica tied up and hanging from a support beam by a tangle of electrical wire.

Stiles attempts to untie me but gets a shock from the electrified wire that binds me."Shhh! Ow!" Stiles yelps

Gerard enters the basement gaining our attention."They were trying to warn you... It's electrified." He says.

"What are you doing with them?" Stiles asks."At the moment? Just keeping them comfortable. There's no point in torturing them." Gérard says

"They won't give Derek up-- the instinct to protect their Alpha is too strong. As for your sister, we are keeping her comfortable too," he continues.

"Okay, so, what are you doing with me? Because Scott can find me, all right? He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know? It's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer, covered in faecal matter and urine." Stiles rambles anxiously.

"You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own-- Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound?" Gérard says amused.

"I think I might prefer more of a still life, or landscape, you know?" Stiles sarcastically speaks.

"What-what are you, ninety? Look, I can probably kick your ass up and down this room--" Stiles scoffs

Gerard replies with a strong backhand across the face. He then punches Stiles senselessly.

I watched as this happened, I tried to get out of the taper only to get electric shocks. I cried out for Stiles, trying to get Gérard attention.

Gérard then takes Stiles upstairs and he doesn't return. I whimper in fear for Stiles and myself. I look at Erica and Boyd who were both scared to death just like me.


We were still bound and suddenly we heard someone coming down the stairs and it was Chris Argent.

"You know, my family's done this for a long time. Long enough to learn things... like how a certain level of electric current can keep you from transforming." He says going to the electric box.

"At another level, you can't heal. A few amps higher, and no heightened strength... That kind of scientific accuracy?" He questions

"It makes you wonder where the line between the natural and the supernatural exists," Chris says looking at us.

"It's when lines like that blur... you sometimes find yourself surprised by which side you end up on." He says twisting the knobs. Our faces relax as the electric current eases.

He lets us down and he lets Erica and Boyd go free. I stand there and they wait for me.

"Thank you, Chris," I said with a soft smile." I'm leaving for a while," I tell him." You're running?" Chris asks." No going away for my mental health," I said.

"What about your case against Allison? Jackson? Lydia?" Chris wonders." My dad has everything he needs and I've done a video statement too so he can do the court case without me here," I tell him.

"And don't give your gun up yet by the way, keep it and maybe use it for protection instead of hunting as I believe not all monsters do monstrous things," I said with a smile.

These Battle Scars-Teen Wolf 🐺 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora