Bonus story!👹 PT.3-???

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This is a follow up to the bonus story if tanjiro if he was the demon instead of nezuko :)
Third pov

After the three heard Murata's story they all gave eachother a serious glance. Nezuko motioned them to come closer with her hand. "We have to help this guy!" She whispered to the two. "No way! Y-you heard what he said! They killed eachother...who says he won't kill us!" He sniffed. Inosuke just shrugged "its a chance to show my amazing skills. So I'm in!" He snickered.

Eventually they all agreed on helping Murata.

They walked up the mountain, the stench getting worse and worse. Nezuko almost puked but she held it in. Poor tantito on the other hand almost barfed in the box, gags were heard from him occasionally.

"Tanjiro is suffering in that box nezuko!" Cried zenitsu. He ran up behind her and started violently pulling on the box. Nezuko sighed and spun around. "He's fine...I hope" she answered weakly. She gagged before covering her mouth weakly. "This place stinks so bad..." she coughed under her breath.

"Tell me about it.." answered zenitsu. Nezuko glanced over to see Inosuke covering his mouth aswell. The boar hide doesn't keep the stink out it seems.

With the hashira's

Both Shinobu and Tomioka ran through the dense forest. The female looked up at the sky with a small smile. "The moon sure is lovely tonight isn't it tomioka?" She giggled. The man sighed annoyed, but still answered her as to not be rude. "Sure..I guess" he muttered.

"Come on dont be like that! Its a lovely full moon tonight you know?" She said still smiling. Tomioka didn't say a word, he stayed silent as he focoused on the path infront of him. A small grumble came from shinobu as something along the lines of "I'll beat your ass you little-" escaped her mouth.

He narrowed his eyes at shinobu, "what?" He growled. Shinobu smiled innocently, as if she had done nothing, she averted her eyes to the moon once more.


With the four

Each step seemed to build up even more tention. Every few steps Zenitsu would jump at the sound of him or another stepping on a leaf.

After a few more minutes nezuko exhaled in relief. She had been so tense she forgot to breath. "Guys we're fine! No need to panic. If anything did happen..." she paused as if not sure of her own words "..then im sure these mysterious hashira people will save us" she smiled.

Her smile was like a ray of light, they knew the possibility of them surviving was slim but with nezuko they felt more at ease.

But just as everyone had begun to felt slightly better a scratching, almost a soft skreching sound was heard. Murata jumped, his face went pale. "T-the sound..this was what I heard before everyone murdered eachother.." his voice trembled as he desperately tried to cover his ears.

"Nezuko just know if you murder me I wouldn't be mad!" Zenitsu yelled as he tried to dig a hole into the ground to crawl into. Inosuke grabbed both of his swords and stood in a fighting stance. "Stop being a crybaby." He mumbled.

Nezuko followed inouske's actions, just as she was about to attack whatever she had seen out of the corner of her eye a soft growl was heard in the wooden box. The three boys had been so startled they almost ran into a tree, even nezuko had to admit she had been a little frightened at the sudden growl coming from her brother.

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