Bonus story🎀

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I'm trying to write some more so I can make up for the time I was gone
Plot: tanjiro makes a wish that yorrichi would be alive, the wish was so powerful it worked!

"YOU STUPID GHOST!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Yoriichi has recently discovered that he could move small objects around...the whole week he has been trying to 'haunt' me. Right now I'm hunting him down for hiding my hairbrush.

I look in every single room of the mansion, 'why did I even accept such a big place!?'. No matter how hard I tried this place was giant. There was so way I would be able to find one stupid, prankster ghost. I deafetedly sat down. " I wish yorrichi was still alive so I could atleast smack him!" I groaned, though I knew this could never be possible.

Several hours later

It was almost morning, I had been out all night with constant missions. I couldn't even sleep a wink. I walked along the ridged path leading to my mansion. Occasionally looking up at the beautiful sky. Once I had reached my front door I prepared myself for another one of yorrichi's 'pranks'. Upon slowly opening the door I noticed two shocking things.

One, there was another person inside of my house...and second. He looked exactly like yorrichi. From the face, hair, figure, everything looked identical.

Without another second of thought i pounced at the unkown intruder. Swiftly knocking him down and locking his arm behind his back. I glared at him, "who are you? What are you doing." I snarled. The man didn't say anything, he layed on the ground dumbfounded. Growing impatience I bent the guy's arm backwards. "Answer me."

"Uh...tanjiro? This might seem weird's me! Yorrichi.." he paused, trying to find the right words " alive!". My eyes widened in confusion but immediately I got my act together"Im not stupid enough to belive that."

He shot up "n-no really! Ask me anything!" He pleaded, waving his arms around like a maniac. I narrowed my eyes at him "alright...what do I do for a living?" "Kill demons!" He shouted as if he was on a game show.

I let it go as a 'lucky quess'. "Why hair long." I thought of the most stupid thing possible to try and stump this guy. But surprisingly he puffed up his chest proudly "because I told you to keep it long!" He cheered. I sat there dumbfounded, 'this guy didn't really just say that did he..?'. My lips formed a thin line, mostly because I was confused. The person standing infront of me is supposedly 'yorrichi', the same yorrichi whom had been dead for hundreds of years.

'Im not dealing with this bullshit.'

I angerly grabbed the back of the guy's neck and slammed him into the ground. "Why are you posing as him...the only person I can trust in this world..." I whispered. The words just spewed from my mouth, as much as I hate to admit it. Yorrichi is indeed the only person I can trust.

He paused, his eyes began to water and slowly tears began to trickle down his cheeks. "Tanjiro..." he said. Slowly getting back up from the floor with a purple bruise on the side of his face.

Though he didn't seem to mind the wound I had purposefully given him. Instead he imbraced me into his arms, like a father would. I couldn't help but feel like crying. I hate the feeling of being weak, the feeling of people pitying you. But this is diffrent.

We sat there for an agonizingly long period of time. Me weeping into his arms as he hummed a soft melody while combing his hands softly through my hair. 'This...feels nice...' my thoughts slowly drift away as my eyes begin to grow heavy.

The second yoriichi. (Tanjiro harem)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum