My bugs

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I awoke with a warm feeling on my chest and my right arm as I looked down. I saw 5 little bodies on my chest and stomach and one big body that turned out to be Lisa. She was cuddled into me clutching my arm and purring, yes she was purring and the vibration reverberated through my chest.

I put my head back down as all were silent and sleeping.

I wondered how long they had been there and worried about rolling over "you don't move in your sleep, I told them when they asked me" I heard Vicky in my head. I just smiled and enjoyed just being there, you know if this is part of my grand adventure I could handle life this time. Then I thought if 5 teen girls and started to panic a little, oh shit what am I into I kidded myself.

After about 15 min the original reason I woke up was worse and now I really needed to pee. I tried squirming and Lisa raised her head. She looked at me and sensed my discomfort and grabbed the kits. They let out a little squeak while being woken and as soon as the last one was moved I bolted.

I heard laughter over my shoulder as I ran to the bathroom. As I emptied my bladder I asked Vicky how long I was asleep "7 hours 22 minutes" was my answer. "I thought of 1.5 hours so I can work with that". Like previous times I woke up feeling great, I pulled on some clothes and stepped into the refresher. I felt a tingling in my fingers and toes that crawled to the core or my body then over my head then nothing. "Is that it?" I asked "yup the process is a bit longer if you're filthy"

"Can this sanitize?"

"Yes the tech was invented for surgery but it made it into the home". I smiled "every mother on the planet will want one of these''. I started to laugh. "How are our guests?" She giggled "lots of questions and thank yous" my turn to giggle.

"They are getting the swing of things, Kim has questions when you have time. I resized the furniture and the kitchen while they slept and they liked it. I redid the bathroom as well so you might make sure your bladder is empty, your aim isn't that good" she laughed "yea yea yea".

I left the bathroom to see Lisa with 5 little squirming bodies, who were mewing loudly. "They are hungry," she chuckled. I took 2 of them and we made our way to the door. When I said they were squirming that was an understatement, I had to catch one as she flipped and flopped. We entered the other quarters to find Kim and Gar sitting on the sofa feeding the male.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I got smiles as I sat and Lisa went to get bottles. "So you think you can be comfortable here?" I got enthusiastic head nods. "I'm still in shock a little bit but it's sinking in'' Gar smiled and Lisa came to sit with the tray. "The girls woke up and fed and then wanted you so I checked with Vicky and she said you don't move in your sleep so it was safe. I feel better after one hour with you than 8 at home, it's weird but I'm not complaining". She said with a shy smile.

I smiled at her then looked at mom and dad "and how did the parents sleep?"

They both looked at me and answered at once "we didn't". They looked at each other and giggled. Kim spoke up "we were just talking and exploring and lost track of time, we are both excited to be here". That made me smile.

I thought if people are this easy to make happy it might work. Kim came to me "if it's ok I would like to make some cages in one of the bedrooms". I looked at her "like actual cages" she nodded. "These little ones will be mobile in a week or so. The cages are to keep them safe and for punishment. They will start to explore and trust me they will be needed" her expression was serious so I took it that way.

"Just tell Vicky the dimensions you want and she will make it happen. You realize you and your kids will want for nothing from now on". Gar smiled "we were talking last night about what we will do with our lives now" I smiled "well whatever you do choose something that will make you happy so take your time and decide" that got smiles all around and Lisa came to me "what are you doing today". I looked at her "I feel like I should be doing something but as of now I have no plans" I drank the last of my coffee and went to get another when I noticed the kitchen.

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