Part 10

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The morning came with a stretch. I mean a really good stretch that you feel in your toes and hair at the same time. That got one big and 6 little duplicates to my move. I felt great this morning and I knew I had a long day ahead of me as I got up.

I think this run of emergency services went well and it will be nice to dust off today. The town is back on grid power and everyone's foundations are ready to build. I got a coffee and went to my office "Vickey, does the film crew have their footage online yet". She smiled "they uploaded the raw footage they had and it's sitting at 1000 views". "Can you do some hacking and help that along. "Sure I will mass post it to all the ufo sites and that should do it".

"That will give us time to get out of dodge". She nodded "don't you want the PR?" "There is time for that later, how are we on the town?" 

"We are at 99% completion, I've been waiting for you to get up to put the finishing touches on it".

I booted up my VR and found myself covered in stick it notes. I laughed and reminded Vicky I want scans of them. I emerged from the office I was in to find a bunch of government officials milling around. They made a beeline to me when they saw me. The first question was how I managed to prep the land for the apartment building. I assured him it's perfectly safe and the pillings are good and deep. I got the usual questions about my tech and I gave vague answers. I walked outside and saw the town before the tornado hit. This is what I want, these people are getting their life back together already and that made me smile. I looked at Vicky "what is left".

"The flagpole in front of city hall and there are a few people waiting". I made my way there and found the mayor, the chief of police and the fire chief. There were a bunch of kids and photographers as well. The mayor looked at me and said, "Would you do us the honor of raising the flagpole, it's the final piece". I nodded "thank you for this honor". I grabbed the flagpole and stood it upright and put it into place amongst cheers and flashes.

I looked at kids clapping and there were even a few hugs. We did the photo ops and everyone there had cameras filming. I bid my farewells as a van pulled up and a lot of military striped shirts jumped out. All they got is to watch us fly away and cloak. We hovered for a few minutes and saw 10 more military vehicles stopping behind the van.

I disconnected from the VR and looked around. It was just Lisa and she came to me. "The kits were hungry so moms got them". I got my nose lick and then I kissed her. She drew back not sure at first then she smiled. She essentially has no real lips so I'm assuming kissing is new.

We went in search of the others finding Sandy and her crew at the railing looking down and at the tree. They were wearing the infamous housecoats. Maybe I should try one sometime. The kits were sitting at a little table and chairs eating.

Kim spoke up "it makes sense for them to learn to act in your culture". I asked the twins who were enjoying watching and having a hot chocolate. "Any plans for the day". Emma spoke up "no just some meetings" I looked at Sandy crew "and you" I got head shakes. "Well there is the zero g arena and the gym". Vicky cut in "speaking of which you have been in some time. All ships docking now"

The kits gave me some "hi papas". The twins and Molly wanted to know why they call me papa so I told the story. Amongst laughter and them shaking their heads at me Vickey stood straight up and shushed everyone.

"Brad they are having trouble on the ISS, an uncharted piece of space junk the size of a bolt. It impacted on the corner of a window producing a crack that is leaking air. I looked at her "do we have anything big enough to go grab them". She smiled "just me". I smiled "we'll get your show dress on it's your coming out day. Launch some drones to film your takeoff, we may as well make this good".

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