My Family

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I woke up dreading what I had to do today, but realized I have to do it. I have to deal with my family.

I got up without disturbing my brood and made my way to my office where Vickey was waiting. "I think the same way we got Jaden will work. Both of us and a message from the old me, we can get them here and answer questions all at once". Vickey nodded "we can go east to west moving the ship as we go".

I took the RV and set the ship to follow us across Canada. "Can you make it feel like we are driving while we are flying?" another nodd "I can tint the windows and turn off the damper so they won't know they are flying. I can make a landing area that will fool them into thinking they are at a hotel".

"Do it please"

Nova Scotia first, I landed not far from my sister Barb's place and pulled up in front. I got the holodisk and followed Vickey to the door, I knocked. My sister answered the door "May I help you". Vicky spoke up "we have a message from your brother". She stepped back and let us enter and I pulled out the holodisk.

The old me appeared "hello Barb" she just blinked "Barb are you ok".
"Um yea, Brad what is going on?"

"I'm collecting the entire family today for a meeting we need to have. I need you to come with me for a few days, the offer is for your whole family. All you need to do is get ready like you're going to the mall". Barb looked at me and Vicky "then who are you". I smiled "we work for your brother" she got a shocked look on her face. "Don't make me regret this Brad".

My hologram laughed "Barb for once in your life shut up and do what you're told". That made her huff but she went to get ready making phone calls along the way. This stop resulted in 11 of my family in the RV and on our way. My hologram popped up again "Barb start making phone calls and warn the rest of the family. I would like to have them ready to go when I get there". She nodded and went for her phone again.

For the rest of the day Vickey and I picked up my family. 11 stops across Canada to collect as many as I could. I got all my siblings and lots of their kids and some of theirs. Vicky did an awesome job with the landing area making it look like a hotel entrance and she shuffled everyone off to the living area.

Everyone was milling around hugging the family members enjoying the family reunion. I appeared as a full size hologram "hello everyone" that started the questions. "Ok I will give you a choice. It's late so we can get some sleep and go over this in the morning or now".

Now was the answer I got. I got up from my seat and stood by my hologram and Vicky joined me "no more hiding" I made the hologram disappear "I need you to sit quietly and listen for a few min ok". Everyone nodded "Vicky bring them up to speed".

I looked at their faces with blank expressions until they found out I died. She got into my new body and back to blank faces"

My turn "you may recognize the other face I've been using" I brought up a hologram of my avatar. "No way" I heard from one of the kids. "I don't get it," said Angie. "Watch the news mom," said her daughter. "So you are the one doing all the rescues?"

"Yes I am," I replied. "What about the ship?" asked Luke's son. "You mean the one you're on right now" I winked at him and his eyes got big. "I'm sorry but I wasn't sure how you would take being picked up in a ship".

"Where are we now" came from one of the kids. I brought up a hologram of the ship over BC. "Cooool is this the ship that ate the space station" I heard from a young female voice. We all laughed "I didn't eat it I took it into one of my hangar bays and fixed it"

"Why are we here?" asked Earl. I looked at him "you're here so I can guarantee you safety. I need to make sure that they can't get to me through you. I'm going to step on a lot of powerful toes and we know how people act. I'm going to make sure you're taken care of and safe from this day forth".

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