Part 13

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I awoke the next morning with 3 kits asleep on me and 3 were playing with mittens. I layed there and enjoyed life for a few minutes before nature called.

I returned to the bedroom and saw Lisa asleep in my warm spot so I let her sleep and went to my office. I booted up my VR to meet with Sandy , finding her sitting right there as I opened my eyes. "Well hello there I was just about to send you a message. Someone swiped one of the bots".

"Vickie, do you have its location?" She appeared "yes sir, it's in transit".

"Send me the bots ID and I will take it from here" she nodded. I felt a rush and then found myself handcuffed in the back of an SUV with military men. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. I guess my voice was alarming because the one beside me spun and put his back to the door. "May I ask where we are going" nothing but road noise "gentleman do we not have a final destination?"

"Fort Bragg" yelled the driver. "Thank you" I said,and disconnected. "Let them get there then melt it down just before they go to move it".

I looked at Sandy "next" and I giggled.

She looked at me and shook her head. "You have a fix for everything". I smiled "not everything but I try. I do know now that the military isn't above stealing. They will get the same treatment until they realize it won't work. Just keep me up to date on how often it happens."

"Yes captain". That caught me off guard "you have your own starship".

"How many people refer to me like that". She giggled "most actually. They are chomping at the bit trying to get info on you". I laughed "soon enough. Have you found any good people yet". She nodded her head "there is a nurse and doctor I'm looking at. They are essentially homeless so I think they will jump at it". I smiled at that "I need to check in with Becky. Do you know where she is?"

"She is always on the floor helping and talking to people". I left the room and found her exactly where I was told. I caught up for a few min and asked about the captain title "it got used by a couple of news crews and it stuck, captain". She grinned "I guess it will stick then I will have to get used to it". She looked at me "people will form their own opinions but I think you will live up to the captain's moniker". I nodded and made sure she didn't need anything and made my exit.

I awoke to a lick and a coffee and scampering kits. Kim walked in at that moment looking for the kits for feeding and they never said no to that. "I was just waiting for him to finish," Lisa said to her mom. Kim looked at me and shook her head "what did I do". "Nothing your guilty by association, my daughters to cute to be guilty." She giggled then looked at her daughter "how do you know when he is going to be done".

Lisa shrugged. I feel like a little tug like a ribbon is tied to me". Kim got an evil smile "come on spill it" I let out. "She is feeling your aura and that's subconsciously, imagine what you can do with it when you're trained". I thought about it for a sec and realized I need to get training or I'm going to end up in some embarrassing situations. We sat and got a drink. I looked at Lisa "Do you see them or just feel them?"

She smiled "both I always feel a connection to you but out of the corner of my eye I see them". Kim smiled "there are writings of a holy man that was connected to his wives. That one you only have 3 kids'' she giggled. I looked back at Lisa "them? You mean you see more than one?" She nodded. "You have the same connection to the kits. I'm guessing that's how they know what holograms they can attack without interfering with your work". I shook my head and looked at Kim who was smiling "on my world men who dedicated their lives to producing aura ribbons can produce one maybe two a year that last for minutes. You have 7 ribbons going 24/7 and you're not even trying".

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