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I awoke to a feeling I was getting used to. One big kitty and 6 little ones littered my body. I hugged Lisa a little tighter and got rewarded with a purr. Yup I'm happy here, at least till I have to pee. I rolled towards Lisa, deposited the kits on her then made my escape.

I returned to find Lisa had claimed my warm spot and the kits were sitting and yawning. I snuck in for a nose lick and she clung to me and dragged me down. "One last cuddle" I heard in my ear. Who can say  nono to that and I gave in. The kits just sat on my chest and were staring at me. They realized what was happening and curled up purring.

Ok 30 min later we got vertical and on with the day. Checking in with Jaden and her crew were happy after the medbeds. I let her know I would be down in a bit and went for a coffee and delivered kits to their parents. Kim and Gar were cuddling on the couch talking and I imagined Lisa and I like that and I smiled.

Lexi's dad was sitting in Jaden's quarters  looking bored while the girls were at the clothes replicator trying on whatever tickles their fancy. I looked at him and said "it gets no better when you are older" I laughed. He just shrugged his shoulders in mock defeat.

"Good morning dad" I heard over my shoulder. "You know Vicky can make some luggage for you" I saw a bunch of female faces. "You're ok with that". I nodded and got murmuring with a few little screams. Oh god what have I done I thought to myself but that did get me kisses from my granddaughters. "Don't forget you're going to have one of these at home". Wide eyes "seriously" said Lexi, I nodded. They were off like a shot.

Vickey saved me with a request for more testing so I beat feet and got out of there.

I made my way to the gym and spent the next 2 hours getting beaten up by Vicky. I was pushing myself to my limits when I called enough. Vicky huffed "fine but I want a scan before you shower". I nodded "how long".

"I need an hour for this one". I layed down and the bed put me to sleep.

Waking up I saw Jaden with Autumn "she wanted to lay with you but you stink dad". I giggled "fair enough" I got up and got in the refresher. "Anything new with the scans Vickey". "Your strength and control over the nanobots have gone up by 19%. You're now up to 390 years as a lifespan. I'm installing a medbed in your bedroom to do regular scans to keep an eye on you".

"Probably a good idea".

I got out of the refresher and now that I was defunked Autumn came to me. I will never tire of hearing her call me papa.

We met the others in the zero g playroom. I didn't even make it to the door and I could hear squeals of laughter and a few screams. I entered and saw everyone there, even the kits. I stood and watched the kits use adults as launching pads. Every time they launched themselves they would leave the people spinning out of control.

I decided to join in and jumped with Autumn in my arms. I kept her close but let her feel zero g, She smiled and held on to me. I think her insides decided she wasn't having fun and she got sick. I had a drone come get me and luckily it all hit me so it didn't float in the air. I took her to the refresher in the gym, "mabey mom should try that next time". She was wiggling her fingers when the vibrations started and that seems to cheer her up after getting sick.

I went back and asked an open question "any plans today?"  Jessica spoke up "sightseeing on the moon then heading home". I smiled "cool I got the place to myself" I giggled and got eye rolls.

I bid my guests farewell and made my way to my office. Sitting at my desk "is there anything I need to address?"  She nodded "we need to address where to reveal the search and rescue packages". "Yea I've been thinking about that and I'm not sure how big to go". She looked at me "can I suggest a tornado, it's small, localized and controllable. Great for a trial run and we won't have to wait long. I'm tracking 4 storms right now over the US and Brazil".

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