Present Moment Awareness Magic

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Have you ever wondered if there was something you could do that would just fix literally all of your mental problems in an instant? Yeah, me too. I have been searching for this for years. 6 years to be completely exact. Honestly, I really want to believe that a single answer would be it and then I could finally enjoy life and succeed at the same time.

Well actually I came across a book. The day I went to the hospital with my mom she took for burger king at grand bazar. I went to Rik and I found a book. It is called "The Greatest Secret". I was so excited I just couldn't wait to read it I started like in the store and now I can't put it down. The secret. The secret to it all. 

What does it say? Hummmm... What is that thing that is making me feel like a single answer just might actually be here for me? 

It is Awareness. I have been struggling with my identity for years. My whole life has been such turmoil, chaos and drama. Anxieties building up and suffocating me. BPD just rampant and my overall wellbeing hung on the validation of the close people to me. I never wanted to be alone and just numbed out my experience daily. I would find peace and I would lose sight. 

Cycles would repeat and pains reoccur. Lessons unlearnt. How is awareness the key? What is it really in simple terms? 

You are here now. This is you. Not your thought reading this. Not your body wherever you are now. It is the background. You. Behind the thought. You. It is the I am of myself. It is just there. It knows how to live already. It knows the best way to do everything, and it is the connection to your divinity within. You are not your thoughts you are not your mind. You are the awareness that is experiencing this life. 

When you tap into this, and you let go completely to that thought is where sweet bliss lies. You can live in this bliss for as long as you practice and make it a part of your experience. You are aware. Beyond thought there is a guidance. God. Higher self. Krishna. Jesus. Allah. The awareness of you is the very awareness that they experienced. How can you experience this completely and fully? 

Keep bringing yourself back. Connect to your heart and live in the emotion of gratitude. That vibration will bring you back to base. It will bring you back to life. You are one choice away from total freedom of all that is problematic in your life. Choose to connect with your very own presence. Sit with your presence, be in your energy. Let go of thought and you already are awareness. You are and will always be this from birth to death. 

As a witch I would call this process ' PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS MAGIC' Just simply sitting and breathing and enjoying the process of breathing. Feeling my Shaki flow up in and through me extended and connected to all that is awareness and the awareness of the one. 

The awareness practice I learned from this book goes as follows:

"Step1: Ask yourself am i aware?

Step2: Notice Awareness.

Step3: Stay as awareness.

The way to break the mind's habit of nonstop thinking once and for all is to stay as the awareness you are. Shift your attention to awareness by noticing awareness multiple times throughout your day. " - The greatest secret by Rhonda Byrne.

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