All I see is Dollars.

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Unwavering faith in the divine timing of life. Patience with oneself and the pace at which you go. All the new lessons and the struggles of integration. Such a wonderful flow has been accessed. The bigger picture is now in view.

I see dollars. I see opportunities for growth. Oh, the heavens have changed the views. Failures into lessons into growth into expansion. Things align according to the vibration you hold. What was meant for you always find you. Practicing high vibrational thoughts transform the pain into pleasure. 

I thought I was done for. The pain of the separation made so much inner growth happen I am just waiting to splash my authentic creativity onto this world. Splash! I am coming for this financial game. I am ready for the fight. I am walking in surrendered and fully engulfed in my feminine creative energy and my masculine 'go get that done' energy. Thinking has stopped. I could feel the energy of the day. I could hear when my body needs something.

I am so connected with my body right now that it feels so calm. I feel calm. It's a moving life. Building something new into my empire. Expanding, upgrading and perfecting my craft daily. I have got this opportunity and boy oh boy it is my ticket to freedom. 

My own place. My own home. I get to have my own independence. My own safety. Oh, this is such a motivator for me. To be free with my energy. To get up and have my own space to breathe. My rules and my space. I wish for this for so very long. 

Days of wishes are over. It's time to make shit happen. I know my pace so there isn't no one who could stop me but me. My life has become my own responsibility. I'm not a kid anymore and I am not a wife anymore. It has become so very clear how my time is ticking at the place I stay. Soon I have no idea where I will be pushed off to. 

This makes me wake up and work. This pushes me to be the best I can be and still not judging myself harshly. The choice to stay consistent has been giving me so much self-respect I am quite happy. Living simple and real is what I am. I am just done with the noise. It's all fading away. My life is not the same. My mind is not the same. My world has changed so very much over the past few weeks it is absolutely bonkers. 

My path ahead in my career seems to be looking brighter than I thought. For that I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. I am starting to see the value I am able to provide much clearer every day.

Borderline Awakening 2024Where stories live. Discover now