Fear to Gratitude and Love

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How could I have missed all the small and big blessing around me for so very long? How did I stay so long in my head worried about everything and not doing anything? It's disheartening to see the years that have gone by and how many things have changed. 

I have been so hyper focused on intimate relationships since I was so young that I failed to see the many other bountiful blessings I had alongside me all the time. 

Sometimes life becomes a burden. That burden is of all the thoughts that are reoccurring. The things we wished we had done differently, the fear of not doing things right or socially acceptable. The pure fear of being rejected. The burden of fears. 

Overcoming. What does it mean? To get over something? Webster says that overcoming means "To get the better of" How do we get the better of our fears? How do we use this fear? would be the question.

Like it or not we will be dealing with fear in many aspects of our lives. The first step would be to become aware of the fears that lie deep underneath the mask. The fears that are subconsciously navigating your decision making. 

These fears can be identified when we look at ourselves.

Observing your behaviors and your reactions. Questioning why you had the reaction that you did. Observing how you feel when you react. How you feel when you are triggered? What is it that brings the fear? 

Pour your absolute presence and awareness onto this. The way to do this is quite simple. Set the intention that you wish then let it go. The less you expect and the more trust you feel in the process will bring you varying results. The main thing is that you focus on the observation and surrender completely.

I am open and willing to take a step back and to observe my triggers. I acknowledge that this fear was a part of my past defense mechanism and I allow myself to see another perspective. I welcome higher perspectives to come to me when I am in observation of my interactions with others. I allow loving presence to see the child that developed that coping mechanism to protect themselves. I allow a more expanded perspective and chose to live in alignment with my evolutionary process. I am grateful to be here and to experience this mind and heart coherence healing. I observe with loving presence.

These kinds of thought patterns can become very soothing and nurturing to your soul.

You can create whatever template you like. Let it flow from within. Ask yourself, 'What is it that I need to accept about myself or my life right now that would help me to move forward into new growth?' 

Simmer in the good feelings of acceptance and integration for as long as you like. Simmer while you bathe, simmer while you play, simmer in the morning, simmer at night. All the time. 

This is the remedy to disruptive thinking patterns for me at this time. These patterns are the cause of my constant triggers. These thoughts trigger me, and I end up in a chronic state of stress. What if I use this messy thinking pattern disorder to my advantage? 

Observing my life. Observing my thoughts, my triggers, my behaviors and my tendencies. This brings me so much purpose. This brings my heart joy. 

The ultimate transmutation of one's experience. Even then in the depths of despair you found your light little lightworker. Even face down in shit you pulled yourself up and allowed yourself to feel happiness for no reason but simply because you are grateful for life. 

The shift from fear to gratitude and love. The global shift in consciousness is here. 2024 feels like gold. How does it feel? 

Do you feel the shift? Do you feel it? Can you feel the energy shifting and moving? The separation of the new and the old world. The split in consciousness feels so real to me. It's the world I live in. It's the story that upholds my empowerment. A permission slip of pure bliss. 

I could feel myself becoming whole. The pureness of my mission and the softness of my world is so beautiful. Its honey and milk. 

From fears to love and gratitude. I am afraid I am not enough = I love you, Thank You for being here. You are enough.

Choose your frequency and vibe with it. Chose gratitude. You will attract so much good to you that you could imagine. Your life will shift. You will feel better. Feeling better means efficiency in many areas of your life that have been neglected for years. Important parts of you that are swept under the rug by fear. Fear being what keeps us tied to the constraining and limited beliefs that keeps us as rats on a wheel for the system.

How do we break these fear-based belief systems? Observation and awareness. Reason with yourself. Revisit your morals. Ask yourself if your behaviors align with your values. See where the fear is blocking you from making moves in life what would disrupt the peace of limited thinking persons around you.

Know that when you start to unravel your inner world of beliefs you would see where your boundaries need to be strengthened or even created. These boundaries make a person who they are. Open those up and let someone walk all over you to please them and boy oh boy prepare to resent that person. The more you look inward the more naturally the boundary setting will become. It's about seeing you for the first time and many different aspects of who you are showing up as. The behavioral patterns that stem from fear that became part of your personality. Seeing it all and making conscious change.

The integration of your own psychoanalysis of yourself. Seeing that is who you have been showing up as and choosing to make or implement changes with love every single day until it becomes a natural part of who you are.

 A conscious being.

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