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Rehaan's Pov

Everyone came to dinner for Grandma's birthday. She turned 75 today and she still looks as beautiful as ever. Waliyah hugged my grandma and kissed her cheeks, It made grandma to roll her eyes. I supress my smile and sat beside Adil.

"Hello brother" I nodded in response and pull out my phone to avoid any interaction with anyone.

My mother ordered dinner for everyone which pissed grandma and they got in an argument which cooled down only after Dad decides that grandma will order for herself and grandma happen to order the same thing as Mom ordered before which made Adil laugh to the point he spilled water on the table which pissed off Our older brother and which lead to argument between them AND I FELT SUFFOCATED.

They finally calmed down after a stare from our father and we ate in peace for once.

"It's so delicious" My grandma sayd and everyone nodded in agreement.
She asked the manager to bring the chef. She had something to say. The manager hesitated for a bit but nodded her head and went inside.

The chef arrived and to be very honest I expected an old man not a very young and quite beautiful Woman.

She was wearing a white knee length dress, her hair was down and it reaches her waist. She had heels on but you can tell she's max. 5'6. Her brown skin looked flawless as if she's coming down from a beauty shoot or something and WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING.

She walked to our table and bow down very respectfully.
"You cooked it" My grandma also sounds surprised. The chef nodded with a smile. "It was delicious" my grandma asked to hold her hand and my mother gave her one deadly look but I don't think she noticed and if she did, she choose to ignore it. The chef held her hand in response and replied, "thank you very much mam".

My grandma looked at my father and then again at the chef, "There's a function in my house and it's really important" she paused for a second and then continued again, "I would love for you to be the head chef. It's in two weeks" that  smile of hers drop, "I'm sorry Ma'am but I don't think I can" My father's patients wears out and he speaks in his authoritative tone, "we'll pay you as much as you want" He used the tone that makes me and my brothers tremble in fear but it didn't affect her or else if it did she choose not to show it, "My answer would still be the same sir" she paused and then put on the smile again and continued, "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal" she caresses my grandma's hand and walked away. Just like that.

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