Destiny's tipping point

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It's been a month since the mock battle everyone was talking about it in the monastery. The shy girl squad almost completely obliterated the golden deer and the blue lions. Everyone looked at Hinata, Marianne and Bernadetta in amazement. They weren't used to this kind of attention. Bernadetta went to her room to avoid the intention Marianne went to the stables and Hinata spent time with Naruto in his quarters. Naruto and Hinata officially being a couple was spread like wildfire. The men were jealous that some dead last was able to woo the most beautiful woman in the monastery; it actually irritated both of them.

Ingrid transferred to the Black Eagles which was a shock to the Blue lions but what surprised everyone even more was The prodigy from the golden deer Lysithea also transferring. The mock battle left quite an impression. The classes continued as usual despite being in different houses Naruto and Hinata still made time for each other.

Sasuke and Mercedes saw each other a lot to the point where people suspected that they were a couple though in denial. They spoke at length about many things no one dare approach them, not if it met angering Annette and Felix.

Byleth was waiting for his friend Marianne; he was near the stables where they usually spend time alone. It was not the most ideal place for most people but for him this is where he truly felt at peace. Stone walls of the monastery felt dead to him being around nature; something about it made him feel different. Marianne was the same way it was amazing how much they had in common he was told he would be tested for what crust he would have soon though the professor that would normally do the testing wasn't at the monastery at this time.

"You have built a quite a reputation you had two girls leave their own classes to join yours that's quite something and that strategy of yours was a stroke of genius."Sothis said to Byleth with praise."yeah it's quite something it's a little overwhelming in a way having two new students one of them both talented young women it's too bad that that Annette girl didn't transfer she is quite talented" he said disappointingly."the Blue Lions transferring is unusual. It doesn't happen often the fact that that Ingrid girl transferred is quite something though I find it funny that girl that you taught in the Black Eagles Hinata that's her name right? She has quite a bit of admirers even some women admire her she is quite popular which brings up a point that I want to discuss with you" he knew what she wanted to discuss he didn't want to discuss it now Marianne could come at any moment and he didn't want to look like he was talking to thin air cuz she cannot see Sothis like he can."you're talking about Dorothea and her feelings for the girl I know I don't know how to approach that relationships are not something that I have experience with nor do I want to get involved in them I want to stay as far away from them as possible" Byleth said dismissingly not really wanting to think about it.

He made Marianne's favorite tea and her favorite food. He was advised by Hinata and Dorothea to make her feel comfortable give her what she wants. He goes to those two constantly for advice though it feels strange they're his students yet he talks to them as if they're equals. He hears footsteps and knows he has to put his thoughts aside for now due to him not wanting to be rude to his friend.

"I'm glad you've come, Mari. I hope I'm not interrupting your day off with your friends."he said politely as motioned for her to sit down."it's okay Hinata is going out on her date with Naruto I don't want to get in her way"she said not bothered that she was spending time with him of all people for him he felt she deserved better than someone like him."wow you are a lot more alike than you want to give yourself credit for you and this Marianne girl" he wanted to tell her to shut up but he didn't do to him being in the same proximity with his friend that he had made in the monastery.

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